Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Cosmic Orgasms and Blueberry Coffee Cake

You wanted a progress report, here it is, you genital wart.

    Why do you all feel like you have some claim to him?  Always trying to puppeteer or manipulate him.  I was the only one who ever craved for him to be his own man.  I wanted him to think for himself, otherwise it just doesn't count.  It's not worth anything.  I never wanted a farce or some skit.  I want the real thing.  We are connected because we are connected.  We aren't connected because I say so or he says so.  It's a mutual love, a braiding of our minds, bodies, and spirits.  We're both all in, and boy, do people really seem to hate that.  I think it forces them to look in the mirror, and they can't stand the reflection staring back at them.  No one likes to be confronted with their shortcomings, especially in such a smug way.  But that's still on you.  No one seems to want to take any culpability for their own actions.  It's tiresome.  Try taking a look at yourself before spouting your delusional bullshit.  You don't factor in here.  You'll NEVER even come close to approximating our love.  You've been bested, so fuck off.  You're fucking out.  Find something else to do with your time.  Get a fucking hobby.  I'm sure there is a limp dick somewhere in need of a swampy mouth.
      I guess it's romantic to think the might of our love is such that it creates these tidal waves that crash over the people on our shore, drenching them in envy or anger, or whatever the fuck you dimwits feel.  Not only is that a fucking arrogant sentiment, but that picture simply doesn't fit the frame.  Because it's only the people in his realm that feel that way.  None of my family and friends infantilize me the way his family and friends do him.  You treat him like a real sucker.  I'm not going to stand idly by while he gets steamrolled by people that are supposed to love him.  Fuck that noise.  He won't be a pawn in anyone's game, just like my daughter isn't, nor will anyone else from my family.  They're not going to be dragged down into your mire.  Whatever issues we deal with, we deal with privately because it's our own business.  What goes on in our home, in our bedroom, is for us only.  That's what intimacy is.  He is married to me, no one else.  Suck on that. I've never been good at sharing, come to think of it.

     I'm writing this directly following something like five orgasms he gave me in like an hour.  We just finished making love several times this afternoon.  We've always had the strongest sexual connection we've both ever felt.  I don't feel the need to apologize for the fiery passion we feel for one another.  Fuck anybody that doesn't like it.  I don't care.  Our love may be mercurial, but Mercury burns white hot.  We seem to have this funny way of machete-ing our own path through the dense jungle, instead of taking the tourist route.  Sure, it can be arduous, but it's also packed with adventure and shared experience.  I've always preferred that kind of love anyway, but it's certainly not for the faint of heart.
      I fell in love with him from the first micro moment I laid eyes on him.  I knew I had to know him.  It was this intense drive that seconds before he walked in, just didn't seem to exist.  And as it turned out, he felt that same magnetic pull in that first glance too.  We were in love, immediately.  His goofy, unabashed staring, his cerulean eyes piercing the night, the vermilion incandescence; it all played into the dreamlike atmosphere.  Everything about that icy night was magic. It was one of those rare instances where it felt like absolutely anything was possible.  Like you could direct the night on a whim, in slow motion.  It was the whirlwind romance I had longed for.  We both had longed for.  We opened up these volcanic calderas within the other, though magnificent to behold its power and breadth, it's also a formidable force; one that doesn't take to being contained.  This shit can get Sid and Nancy-esque at times, but there is something monolithic about our unique brand of love.  We can't seem to pull ourselves away from one another. And it sure as hell ain't boring.  It's incredibly exciting, be it positive or negative; it never lacks in titillation. It is sensory overload.  It is not a marriage of comfort.  In fact, most things about this relationship make me uncomfortable, so go relationships of pure desire.  It has been that way since the very first night. It is intense and severe, the likes of which most people don't care to acknowledge.  
     It was one of those first nights we together, and we were snuggling close after making love, when "Cosmik Debris" began to play through his iPod.  We both just started singing it softly, laughingly, as we both knew all the words.  It was just a further reinforcement of our cosmic connection.  The one that was so hard to pinpoint or articulate, was perfectly illustrated in subtle action.  That's what we have that you lacked.  An unspoken, robust and powerful bond that came like second nature to us.  We didn't have to force any pieces to fit.  It took no convincing on either part.  We were drawn into each others orbit, and hurdled on an ethereal exploration to find a way to sustain a love of this magnitude.  But we cull energy from its raw potency, which makes it hard for you Earthlings to compete.  We're juicing on transcendental steroids. And we've got no room on the ship for any cosmic refuse.

Post Script:
     I'm a little perplexed as to why you would read my stupid literary blog as a means to check up on him.  If you cared so much about his well-being, like you said, then wouldn't you just contact him, directly?  Nothing stopped you from doing that before.  Why the fuck would I have to be the conduit between you star-crossed lovers?  Unless, of course, you don't actually give a shit about him, and you're just surfacing to drum up trouble.  And, believe me, if it's trouble you're looking for, you certainly came to the right place, Ratchet-face.
     Also, I think you are afraid to contact him, quite frankly, because you know you will be rebuffed, (not to mention screamed at.)  Then you can no longer fool yourself into believing what you had was so meaningful.  Because he sure doesn't think so.  He barely cared about it.  He barely remembers it!  It was a seedy blur of cheap thrills and self-medication.  He cheated on you.  A lot.  He got high, all the time.  And when he wasn't getting high, he was drinking. He said, just last night, he was relieved when you would go off to take pictures all the time, for your burgeoning, ahem, "modeling career,'' because it would give him a fucking break from how annoying he found you. 
     Apparently, he wasn't alone in that; his whole family hated you.  They were more than happy to tell me that every chance they got.  Which made me feel weird.  They're still sore about you pawing through their artifacts at the family museum!  But to be fair, they were going to hate anyone getting close to their "baby."   I have to think you are in collusion with them somehow, but know this, if they put you up to it, they are simply using you.  Because they had nothing, and I mean nothing, but terrible things to say about you, completely unsolicited.  But to be fair to them, I tend to agree with that assessment.  Slimy, selfish assholes of a feather, I suppose.
     Maybe you should bone up on your acting chops, rather than concerning yourself with me and my husband. Because I've seen your "work," and frankly, it leaves something to be desired. Namely: desire. You've given me the distinct displeasure of being simultaneously gut-wrenchingly disgusted, and mind-numbingly bored. That's quite a feat, man!  I've seen more erotic episodes of Mama's Family.  Admittedly, I don't know that much about producing pornography, but aren't you supposed to turn up the heat in those things?  Not dial it back to "middle-aged guy pokes his ugly old lady after work on a random Tuesday." Yeesh. You were dull from jumpstreet.  Also, if you have to film sex for it to be exciting, you're, uh, doing it wrong.  But whatever distracts the focus from that face!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ceci N'est Pas Un Blog

 This is not a blog; it's a bunch of shit on a web page.  Who gives a fuck.

Elton John- I Think I'm Going To Kill Myself

     I feel the coarse rope tighten around my thin, porcelain neck.  It scratches and burns against my sensitive features as I instinctively try to pull it away.  But instincts aren't enough to overcome my lugubrious nature. I don't quite feel engaged yet.  I pull it tighter, so the airflow is deeply constricted now.  I struggle slightly as breathing becomes laborious.  My face growing redder; my eyes beginning to bulge.  My feet strain for solid footing.  One more forceful tug and I wouldn't have to feel the pain any more.  No more worry, no more mania.  No more all-encompassing sadness, no more frenetic energy of a life half-lived.

Before, Again II- Joan Mitchell 1985, oil on canvas

     People sure like to spout off about things they don't know about, rather than, say, research the subject, become intimately acquainted with the facts, and then formulate an informed opinion. Oh no, that's far too scholastic for the pseudo-intellectual set.  They'd much prefer to run their horse-sized mouths about speculations and false perceptions; in an effort to mangle reality into something that is much more palatable to their warped fantasies.  I blame boredom and lack of exercise.  Maybe things aren't going well in a relationship, or a career isn't what they dreamed it would be by now, but for whatever reason, narrow-minded, peanut-heads decide that they just have to say something, about every God damned thing.  Nobody fucking cares about other people's opinions.  That's why I write this drivel here on the deep internet.  So no one has to care.  I can get this horseshit out of my system; spring-clean my neuroses until the next wave of junk.  I keep things anonymous, I don't name names, because my self-expression shouldn't be about lame one-upsmanship. But there are horrible truths out there.  I hate to break it to the Xanax-ed cheerleaders of the world, but not everything is fantastic.  And pretending things are great, when all around the world they are not, is not only insane, but it's rather obscene.  To try to thwart any expression of negative emotion or event in an effort to selfishly pretend they don't exist is pretty fucking evil, in fact.
     I'm sorry reality doesn't fit in to your fairy tale landscape of supposed-to-be's, Ratchet Face.  Part of growing up, part of maturity is accepting the futility of certain inescapable truths.  Channel it into something more poetic than phony concern.  Where was all that concern when you left him high and dry, May 2011?  Where was all that concern when he got in that bike accident, huh? Did you even visit your little Poodsie?  Or did you just wait until he had moved on to pretend like you gave a shit?  It was all about you and your grand performance, it wasn't about true love, romance or any of that bullshit.  It was all feigned.  Just another desperate, look-at-me attempt, by a mediocre actress, and that's being generous.  That's why you lost.  That's how I "did it." I was genuine and you were not, dum-dum.  Take a look at your reality.  Tweet. Twit. Twat.  Who goes from cackling, to stammering, to a crocodile tear-laden performance dripping with insincerity in under four minutes? What an act!  I bet you keep your Oscar statuette right next to your Grammy.  No wonder you have to comb through clothes at the Salvation Army, to sell at a 200% markup, acting isn't exactly your forte.   Also, your shots in the dark fall flat, much like your voice, because they don't even contain a kernel of truth.  It must be really uncomfortable for you to see some of your old reality being approached so differently.  To see someone else with what you once threw away.  I bet you feel old when you look in the mirror.

Cleanup Woman- Betty Wright
      He really doesn't care about you.  What is it going to take to get that through your deformed skull?  Jesus, you are dense.  No one wants you here.  No one cares to hear your opinions, especially him  He didn't want to hear them when you were together.  Or should I say when you moved yourself in? You are an annoyance to him.  You don't know him because you never cared enough about anyone other than yourself to know him.  I gave myself fully over to him, and I must take the good with the bad on that.  But he in turn, gave himself fully to me, something you never will experience.  You are always going to be his discard.  You'll never match even a tenth of the intensity we have, you rhinoceros.
     You're a twit. You haven't got the first clue about "him." The more I write about him, the more he loves me (and the writing.) I'm the one he lusts after. I'm the one he never wants to leave. I'm the one he calls his wife. I'm the one he wanted as the mother of his child. It was never you, even when it was you he was with. You'll never understand any of this because you'll never exist on that plane. You're forgettable. Your obsession with him and I is telling, though. If your life out there is so rich and full-bodied, it seems strange that you would feel the need to look back so often. One thing I know, is that when the world is my oyster, there is simply no time for lovelorn reflection. Maybe you should concentrate on your own life, your own boyfriend, and your own pursuit of art, so you don't have to be so petty and sour. I'm tired of you, much the way I imagine Chris grew tired of you. Don't try to disrupt my family again. Later, pink gorilla.

      I know the truth hurts. I fucking get it. But lies hurt worse. They hurt much more in the long run. I made a promise years ago to never live my life in a way that I had to lie just to hold my head up. That's the antithesis of integrity. I don't want to lie just to be a member of a society that I don't agree with anyway.  (Adapted from the Groucho Marx philosophical truths collection.) Telling the truth alienates me from damn near everyone, except for those bright and truly wonderful few that also believe in the truth. Thank you so much for being in my life and demonstrating such strength, in whatever capacity, though you may not know it, but you inspire me to keep going. To keep fighting for what I know in my heart is right. These intense, event horizons are worth so much to me. You are unafraid and unabashed to be yourselves, to feel the full range of human emotions and to express those emotions to others. Even if it's just posting a melancholic song, to talking about the existential malaise that comes with an overdeveloped brain, you all help this little neurotic not only maintain, but create. A thousand thank yous aren't enough to express how meaningful it is.  It's hard to always feel lost at sea. Our own brains can deceive us; delusions, hallucinations, mirages, madness, caused by so many manners of stress. Sometimes, I don't even know what direction I'm facing. I'm grateful to have these touchstones of reality.

   The reason I don't fall into the inky blackness of despair is because of my daughter.  I don't have that luxury anymore.  She doesn't deserve a world that already places her a few rungs down the ladder just because she lacks a Y chromosome.  She must learn to be unafraid of opposition, because with her intelligence, and sense of independence, she sure will be facing a lot of it.  She shouldn't have to watch her mother be abused and think that's how women are treated.  Because abusing me is tantamount to abusing her.  Too bad everything I said is true.  Too bad I can't be more selfish like you filthy pigs.  Instead of taking care of my responsibilities, I could be sipping margaritas on the sundeck of some salty dog's fishing boat, not giving a fuck.

    As much as you want to lie and say you aren't going to read this, or you aren't going to say anything, we both know you are full of shit.  "I mean, obviously, I just read these because I want to see how you're doing."  Hahaha. Yeah. Fucking. Right. You scan these to see if you're mentioned, you oatmeal-for-brains, piece of shit.  You're not fooling anyone, psycho.  You can't seem to let go of this. A real dog with a bone. And you're seriously barking up the wrong tree with this one.  And if you ever even utter one errant syllable toward my daughter, I'll show you the true meaning of the word "animal," you cavernous-cunted beast.  Tell your boyfriend to do everyone a favor and stick his pencil dick in your mouth so you will shut the fuck up, for a few minutes, anyway.

"I don't know why she has to go sticking her big, ugly nose in everything," - Husband. 

"The ancestors of the girls I've met lately would have burned women like you at the stake." Still one of the greatest things anyone has ever said to me.  Thanks for understanding this radical, Reginald Tootsie.

Gimme Some Truth -John Lennon, care of a wonderful purveyor of truth... (Thank you, Tim). The perfect song for the occasion.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Baron of Chandler Park Part Trois: Time Does Not Heal All Wounds

     The odious scenes flash and stomp through my mind, unchecked.  They sear my synapses, they cloud judgement; they tear flesh from the bone.  They are wicked and wild; unrelenting.  Carnal images of you leading this perverse, devil-may-care lifestyle, full of arrogance and lacking in shame.  Coke-fueled sexual rampages, sweat-drenched nights of non-stop partying and self-congratulation. Libations, pills, and potions; heaving bodies, skin-slapping-skin, fusing into a sorcerous elixir that made nights seem like they could last forever.  So much cheap pleasure to be had, so many trashy delights.  Feeling indomitable atop your hometown hero's throne, gazing upon an infinite sea of cum dumpsters and possibilities.  Maybe it's the hopefulness I envy and hate.  So many doors to choose from, so many avenues to cruise; you could have felt like the master of your own destiny, you bothered to think at all.
     How can a real person ever live up to this candy-land level of hype?  Part Sodom, part Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, and totally illusory.  This ceaseless parade of "aspiring" actresses, singers, models and HPV, (I really can't stress aspiring enough, here) to whom reality is this esoteric concept.  Your fantasy bleeding into my reality.  You traded in your laundry list of flighty bimbos, with their melodramatic vexations for a ball-busting, wistful writer, with a genuinely fucked up mind and increasingly fucked up disposition. You even managed to find a writer that doesn't deal in fiction; one with a particular penchant for holding everything and everyone up to the light for inspection and criticism.  I can't understand it; it doesn't make any sense.  Why did you feel the need to get involved with me?  Did you simply run out of fantasy dates?  Did you grow tired of the vacuous bit-players and their used, cavernous twats?  Your weirdo sex acts couldn't get you off any longer, so you had to move to sadism?  Did you just want to see someone tremble under your boot heel like your Teutonic kinfolk?  You had to destroy something real this time, to satisfy that insatiable appetite for excitement in your warped, desensitized mind.  You needed to keep hustling for that higher high in face of the looming emptiness.
     Sometimes the thoughts are more specialized, and somehow darker. I have this nightmarish recurring thought of you and her having fucking sing-songs 'round the piano, and shit.  I imagine you are both simultaneously recalling this dreamy, fond memory in soft focus and bathed in incandescence.  Like a catchy tune plays on the radio and you exchange excited knowing glances and race to the piano, where you inherently know the melody and her the lyrics and spontaneous music erupts.  Or you accompanying her while she screeches out Victorian Christmas carols like Good King Wenceslas and shit, where you change some of the words to fit in your repugnant pet names for one another in an effort to be cutesy.  "My Poodsie last looked out, on the Feast of Stephan..."  God, I don't even have to imagine the cringe-worthy "Baby, It's Cold Outside" one.  Eewww.  That shit would be insufferable even if I wasn't once in love with one of the offending parties.  Ugh. Jesus Christ. It's those kind of thoughts that make me want to drive my car into the lake.  
     It's because I realize this idea that you both exist on the same exact plane. This plane for mediocre, bordering-on-terrible people who have been lied to by their parents their whole lives about how wonderful they are. It's so unbearable for me to envision; this person, that is like this fragment.  This person that is this mere shadow of me, could somehow be better for you.  Any of them, really.  They're all interchangeable.  They could somehow make you happier.  And more than that, they could somehow be happier with you and your pungent brand of sleaze.  They are more right for you than I because you are so much the same as them. Your kind exists in abundance. 
      That's the toughest pill to swallow; feeling so alone, when it all was once at our fingertips.  Realizing that we are universes away from one another, when for the briefest moment of time it felt like we were swirling above the terrestrial sphere, riding this celestial tidal wave, only allowing the inhabitants of earth mere glimpses of our being.  You could never reach that fantastic apogee with any of those squalid prevaricators. That was no more than virtual fantasy.  What we had was so sacred, it was so protected, it was so powerful; glorious.  But then just like that, you strayed from the astral chariot; fell through the nebulous ether, and back to the hellish soil.  I went searching for you, but you were no where to be found. All that was left was this dirty, slimy facsimile of the universal partner I once tangled souls with.  It was like some corporeal thief had stolen your body to provide vessel for his terrible deeds. This puking, vile reptile by comparison.  I can't make it up to that golden chariot alone.  No one can.  Love, camaraderie, companionship, passion, those are the shared conduits up that impossible precipice.  So, I am left to wander down here, searching for this lover that I fear doesn't even exist any more. Sentenced to a futile quest.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Why Thank You, Supreme Ruler

     I've often been told by men that I am intimidating.  Though I've never been told that by women, I know some have thought the same; though they act out that idea in a much more passive-aggressive manner. I've never felt that way about myself. I've always thought of myself as just myself, no better or worse than anyone else, really.  My most distinguishing feature is that I'm taller than most, at 6'1.  It's not something I have control over.  It's not something I fucking chose, just to make dudes mad.  Yet, it's considered an asset in others; models, athletes, actresses.  What is it about me that further intimidates men beyond my physical appearance? What is it about me that makes them so insecure?
      This is not some esoteric problem that I am spouting off about either; I've been dealing with being singled-out my whole life. From the favoritism shown to me by my grandfather as a baby to the abuse poured upon me by my grandmother, throughout my childhood.  It's been a pervasive problem since middle school, when I first began to experience the sexism that comes with being an "intimidating" woman, as intimidating as a schoolgirl could be, that is.  Fellow students, teachers, parents throughout my schooling turned to co-workers, customers, and bosses in my working years.  They all had some inherent bone to pick with me, just because I existed.  But conversely, others gravitated toward me, clicking immediately.  I was pretty introverted for most of my childhood, never really breaking out of my shell until around fifteen.  I realized then, that people were going to have their opinion of me no matter what I did, so I might as well just do what I want.  Let the chips fall where they may.  People still loved me or hated me at the same consistent rate, but they no longer held sway over me.  I got a voice in my own happiness.  I've always been a polarizing person, but not through a conscious choice of my own.  Is it instinct? Pheromones? Some subliminal tell I send out or they receive? I don't fucking know.  I'm so tired.
     Most men don't want to be half of a power couple, they want to hold all the power, doling out measly crumbs as the see fit. They love the thrill of the hunt, they want to take down the big game, but they don't want to hear the lioness roar, they want to watch her squeak.  They have no respect for her power; she's just another obstacle standing in their way of total domination.  They want to see her struggling for air on the ground at their boots.
     A dear friend of mine, is a tall, strong black man. On top of that, he is brilliant and quick-witted. Men are certainly intimidated by him, but in a way where they basically fall all over themselves for his friendship and acceptance. Women (mostly white) flock to him, literally, wherever we are. They are immediately attracted to his naturally powerful demeanor.  They all want a piece of that evolutionary top gun.  We've discussed how, in many ways, we are a gender positive and negative of one another. But the way he is is looked at, treated, is as this pinnacle of humanity, powerful and important; attractive, desirable.  The way I'm looked at is imposing, a challenger to the balance of gender roles, and the natural order of things, that needs to be taken down several notches, through ridicule, power games or even worse, sexual and emotional manipulation.  Certainly men find me attractive, I've always had my share of suitors, but I would venture to guess that 90% of them were interested in me for the wrong reasons, as more of a domination quest than because they were actually interested in me as a person.  They wanted to wrangle and tame the wild appaloosa.  Just another mounting for their wall.
     Yet, I'm still convinced it's less of a man/woman thing, and more of an enlightened/unenlightened thing.  So many are willfully chained to the cave wall.  I refuse to believe men and women are so innately different, yet so genetically similar. I'm not some genetic mutant, just because I am tall, or intelligent, or have what is considered a more traditionally "male" sense of humor or taste in art/entertainment. Bogus societal mores and faulty cultural values are at play here.  I'm glad to see our society "devolve" into gender-bending heathens.  It's time the oddballs, the outsiders, and the weirdos, got some fair fucking play.

    "You can't be taller than me, you can't be smarter than me...you can't be funnier than me... you can have more talent (in very specific areas that I've never even been interested in before) than me."  This isn't pure speculation on my part either, these were things actually spoken to me, or even admitted to me at various times, by various men, some from long-term relationships, which devastated me. (It's interesting to note that penis size is not a valid indicator of a man's security because many of these statements were made by men with very large endowments, and I'm not talking charitable donations to the arts.)  These were all men with great talents of their own. Brilliant even. You know, things that would attract a woman to a man.  Yet they revealed they were jealous of me because I am good in my areas of expertise, but no where near encroaching toward theirs.  I never felt envious of their aptitude, I was proud of it.  Here I think we make this great team, and all along, I am being resented for what particular qualities I thought I was bringing to the table.  Why is it okay for women to always play second banana to a man?  But it's some aberration for them to even be considered equals? How far have we really evolved from the primitive concepts of old world cultures?  We might as well be covered in burkas and walking ten paces behind our husbands.  So no man ever has to feel intimidated again.  At least there is some honesty in that.  None of this smoke-screened equality bullshit.  They want to act like primordial neanderthals, but want the credit for being so progressive too.  Such fragile fucking egos.  What delicate little hot-house orchids.  I've only met a handful of secure guys in thirty years. That's pretty fucking pathetic.
     I never thought I'd turn into such a riot grrrl, but mounting experience and becoming a mother to a beautiful, smart, and funny young girl sure brings the tableau into sharp focus.  I don't want her growing up in a world where she is never going to be good enough because she is actually better.  What the fuck is that?  Even if you are a smart, capable, free-thinking woman, you should just pretend you are a dizzy twit so men will like you enough to feel good about themselves, so you can land a husband.  That's really why they don't want to give equal pay to women, they know its the last bastion of of power they hold over us.  They're so afraid of becoming obsolete, because they don't have anything more desirable to bring to the party. 

     "You try to control my every move."
     "What are you talking about? I allow you to watch whatever you want to watch on TV. I allow you to listen to whatever music you want."
     What the fuck do you mean, you *allow* me to watch whatever I want to watch?! I didn't realize you had the omnipotent authority to bestow free will upon us peons. Why thank you, oh supreme ruler. You are such a benevolent King! Oh, second-coming-of-Charlemagne, the sun really does shine out of your ass.  The world rises and falls with your every breath!
     What a bunch of self-aggrandizing bullshit. I should really be thanking your mother anyway, because boy, she sure did a number on you. Who the fuck do you think you are, anyway?  You're a washed-up goober with a one-note personality.  What exactly is it about me that screams push-over?  What about me says doormat? But, that's just it, isn't it? Nothing about me denotes any of those weaknesses.  That's why you want to reign over me.  That's why you attempt to control my life, through abuse, manipulation and passive-aggression.  You are trying to dominate me in an effort to make yourself feel like some big man, but you're nothing more than a testosterone-fueled ape.  You're grasping at straws because you've made a mess of your career, squandered your time and talents, and lost control of your own destiny.  I'm not going to pay for your mistakes.  Pay for your own, you maniac.  
     You are a walking hypocrisy. You never wanted me to work, but love to complain that I spend too much money.  You treat me like I am an insignificant speck of dust, yet, somehow, all the indomitable potentate could scrounge up to marry was this worthless worm?  You never want me to go out, while you breeze out of here on a cloud, to your blow-off party job, under the auspices of "providing." You have confined me to the house, yet, I'm not even allowed any indulgences in my prison cell.  What do you care what music I listen to or what movies I watch when you aren't even home?!  You really *are* insecure.  Yikes.  Fuck off, psycho.  I know you'd like me to just sit in the corner and pine for you, but Jesus Christ, I am a human being, with actual feelings and needs.  Furthermore, we all can't be your mother!  I'm not a disposable serf conscripted to wait on you hand and foot.  I'm not some mythological muse or pleasure-bot sent to fulfill your sick appetites.  What the fuck kind of person thinks that someone is sent to them, as a prize, by God, as a reward for all your "greatness,"  anyway?! Greatness, including, but not limited to, an alcohol and drug addiction, twisted misogyny masquerading as chivalry, perverse sexual habits, a laughable bank account, a lack of investments or equity at forty years old, an emotionally incestuous relationship with your mother, and an astounding megalomania despite this laundry list of shortcomings.  That's nothing short of sociopathic.  The funny thing is, no where in your delusional ravings, did it even occur to you to think, that maybe, the antithesis of God sent you this fantastic "prize."
     What are you so jealous of anyway?  I'm just a nobody, remember.  Why are you jealous of my minuscule talents? You said yourself, they don't garner me any money or any critical acclaim. And according to you, that's the only meaningful measure of success. Personal fulfillment is shit. Art for art's sake; a joke. Sanity; an overrated illusion. You are jealous of my intelligence, but are you jealous of the price I have to pay for that intelligence too? The neuroses, the anxiety, the pain, the despair, the sadness that never let up?  Are you envious of the nightmares I've had since childhood, thanks to my over-active imagination? Do you want the post-traumatic stress that accompanies the vivid images that invade my mind; replaying lugubrious memories on a constant loop? You want all that too, asshole? Or can you not comprehend the concept that nothing is free, in that little pea-brain of yours, rattling around in the giant, dried-out melon you call a head? 
    I'm done being made to feel sorry for my intelligence.  I'm done being made to feel bad for my talents, while you demand constant praise for even the most bantam of accomplishments.  Oh, you bought some fucking groceries for your own kid?! How wonderful! What a fucking star! Fuck. You don't deserve a round of fucking applause for every errand you complete.  It's part of what being an adult is, doing things because we have an obligation to do them, not because we will be rewarded.
      I'm done being made to feel inferior for the advantages I hold.  My existence isn't a reflection on you, that is a cognitive-dissonance delusion you've created so you never have to take responsibility for you past actions or take hold of the reins of your life.  When we met, I felt the power between us.  It was palpable.  I thought you were this secure, strong man; physically imposing, cocky, but with a boyish charm.  I thought you were looking for someone to challenge you, someone on your level.   I was unaware that there was no one else on your matchless, elysian level.  I didn't realize it was all an elaborate hoax. You shouldn't feel so inferior, you know, you did manage to trick me into moving in with you; accepting your engagement proposals, with your saccharine romance and phony doting, after all, before drawing the iron curtain. You just foolishly assumed I'd never get wise.  You mistook my kindness for weakness, as they say.  I treated you the way I did, because I was in love with you, and I wanted to build a life together, not because I thought you deserved the royal treatment.  Not because I thought I was some peasant accepting her rightful place at your oafish feet.   I wanted to be an equitable team, that elusive power couple, but you were just looking for someone to be your emotional punching bag, someone to serve the all-mighty czar as royal whipping boy.  So many times you have broken my heart, you've tried many times to break my bones, but as much as you try, you are never going to break my spirit.  You ain't never met anybody like me, pal.  You don't know who the fuck you are dealing with. You truly don't understand the stock I come from. My heritage should have been your first clue, dum-dum. Have I acquiesced yet?  Have you once came out victorious from battle? Or are you the one now groveling at my feet, begging for my forgiveness, so I don't leave you?  Who's the vassal, now?
     All is fair in love and war, and somehow I managed to get tangled up in both with you.  You swear you love me, but I can feel the hate radiating off of you like the glow of a nuclear reactor.  And every step you take insinuates your deep-seated contempt for me.  I've run out of ideas in this can't-live-with-you/can't-live-without-you mire I find myself trapped in.  Let the chips fall where they may.  I've had to surrender myself to the fact that I love a monster, but I will not surrender to that monster.  I will keep battling the dragon until he is slayed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Why's Everybody Hatin' on Hate?

    "I don't have time for hate," spoken with the most annoying and condescending of drawn-out affectations. Or, "You are just wasting all your energy on hating," says a well-meaning, but self-righteous (and mistaken) friend.  Why is everybody always hatin' on hate? Ugh, I'm so tired of it. 
     Are we so close-minded as to think that some human emotions are inherently better than others? They all evolved for a reason. I feel like I've become, ironically, some kind of negative emotions cheerleader, rooting on all those who dare to feel and express negative emotions. We need to express those negative emotions if we ever want to resolve the issues that caused the negative emotion to flare up in the first place. Expressing negative emotions also works as a steam escape valve to keep ourselves from imploding. It's hard to release any steam if our valve is crammed full of hippy-dippy, everybody-love-everyone nonsense. And it keeps us in some state of balance; the idea that every thing has an apogee and its corresponding nadir. Can we really love, without an idea of hate? Or are we destined to a banal series of likes and dislikes? 
      Hate can be a very useful emotion, that has gotten a bum rap for too long now. Hating broad groups of people: bad, hating racism itself; good. Hate can motivate to fight against such ignorances and injustices. It's a propellant, that can be harnessed for good. On a more individual level, hate can be the catalyst that drives us to make necessary changes within our own lives.  Be it finding a more fulfilling career, or cutting out toxic people whom we feel some kind of binding, but erroneous obligation to, for various reasons.  
     Without the compartmentalization that hate allowed me, I would still be brooding over childhood abuses. Hate allows me to place certain individuals, concepts, anything I feel deserving, into the "I hate" category, then I truly don't have to deal with them anymore, if I so choose. They hold persona non grata status, which renders them powerless over me. Learning to be okay with hate was the only thing that assuaged the heavy guilt that accompanied the emotional and psychological abuse I suffered through as a child, at the hands of my grandmother. I thought I was some terrible kid, who was probably going to Hell, because I hated my grandmother for all the things she was doing to me. I felt this immense guilt because I was "supposed" to love her because she was part of my family. All that guilt did to an elementary-school aged kid was cause her an anxiety disorder, depression, acid reflux, and later on, an eating disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Once I started to go to therapy to untangle all those memories and experiences, just expressing those emotions felt better, but it was the acceptance of the hate I felt, by my various therapists that led to actual progress. They let me know it was okay to hate that person, it was okay to never want to have that person in my life. And the guilt began to lift, like a morning fog over the Scottish moors, revealing verdant greens and calming lilacs. That's all I needed to see; "this shit really works." I've had a healthy respect for hate ever since. 
     No one should be subjected to those types of abuses, and if hate get someone out of a deplorable situation, so be it. Sure, it's not for everyone; hate is an acquired taste. And hate mixed with anger can be a dangerous cocktail. But quiet, thoughtful, passive hate certainly has its place.  Some people choose the path of forgiveness as a way to disassociate themselves from troubled experiences or terrible people, but that size doesn't fit all.  Others need something a little less conventional; the jungle path versus a scenic promenade.   Something a little truer to their feelings, and hate can be that solution.

Post Script:
     In order to adequately appreciate and fully understand hate, it must be distinguished from its nefarious counterpart: evil.  Whereas hate can be very passive, evil is entirely proactive.   Sure hate could seemingly lead to evil; we could mislabel hate-run-amok as evil, but I think the distinction comes by the process of which we acquire either.  Where hate is learned, or accumulated throughout the course of experience; evil is inherent, and is either thwarted or distilled with time.  Additionally, hate and evil differ in action and expression.  With hate, one would say, "I detest that." And would generally try to steer themselves away from whatever it is they detest.  With evil, one might say, "I despise that," which implies a veiled threat, like if given the chance, they would choose to destroy whatever it is they despise, rather than just avoid.  Evil has a premeditated component to it. There is plotting and scheming; some kind of active manipulation for personal gain or satisfaction.  Hence, why crimes in our justice system are differentiated into varying degrees based on the idea of premeditation. 
     That's why I have a particularly hard time trusting anyone who says they don't or can't hate.  It's a natural human emotion, why would they be exempt from that?  It's seems like nothing more than a cheap veneer, attempting to hide thier odious perversions through the reaction formation defense mechanism.  People sincerely lacking ill-intent never feel the need to attest to that fact aloud, and certainly not repeatedly.  But the "I don't hate" mantra seems to be the battle-cry of the miserable manipulator, the envious schemer, and the black-hearted conman.  There must be, also, a certain air of narcissism and arrogance, because they never really bother to think maybe someone is catching on.  Maybe it's egotism, or maybe their subconscience just doesn't let on, but either way, they tip their hand.  And certainly, not everyone is a mastermind.  Unadulterated stupidity could be the culprit too.  Most likely, it's some depraved permutation thereof. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Eternal Trump-Nation: As far South as it Gets

The really funny thing is, I don't even think Trump is some hardcore, brooding racist, no more than any other rich white man from an affluent background, anyway. He's not stockpiling munitions in a bunker or writing some militia manifesto. He's not angry at minorities for taking his job or sleeping with his wife.  He is the guy at the top, the guy who calls the shots; he is the Man.  He's an elitist asshole who turns his nose up at anyone with less money than him, and really turns his nose up at anyone with more money than him. He's a textbook demagogue; a second-rate Mussolini, (which is really saying something), who's willing to say any manner of outlandish bullshit to pander to his slack-jawed electorate and land free airtime. Remember he "loves the poorly educated," and with good reason!  A good friend of mine said something profound the other night, "What we call progress, some people call society going to hell in a handbasket." Most of these people are still sore about the God damned Civil War!  He's stirring up latent racist sentiments in the under-educated in an effort to garner votes from that demographic. But has anyone at his campaign bothered to do the math on that? There isn't enough bigoted voters outside the Republican Party to vote him through in the general election. He needs at least some of the minority vote to win the presidency, which seems unlikely since he's alienated every possible ethnicity beyond whites males. He's also alienated any possible female swing voters with his extreme misogyny, (except for the severely self-loathing and ignorant.) Even most Christian groups aren't behind him. He's really relying on his raunchy magnetism to elect himself to the presidency. Ah, the hubris of a narcissistic blowhard. He's no mastermind, he has "people" for that... He's a bored billionaire who just wanted a chunk of power to go with his bank account. He has no economic plan, he has no foreign policy experience, he has no formal education regarding the law or the Constitution. He's far from brilliant and is a universal joke to other countries. He's not even that great of a business man, filing for bankruptcy no less than four times.  He'll hawk anything for a buck. He is the billionaire equivalent of a used car salesman. Yeah great plan, trying to elect another wealthy twit to the Presidency, America. That worked so well with George W. Bush.
     The ironic and very best part of this whole charade is that Donald Trump wouldn't associate with the type people supporting his campaign, under any other circumstances, if you paid him. Yet, they look at him as if he's some kind of savior. Yikes. While he's living in his ivory Trump Tower, eating caviar on his morning toast, these pathetic saps are drinking Coor's Light in their trailer on the same La-Z-Boy recliner they've had since the Carter administration. Yeah, he's a real man of the people, your candidate. Try voting with your head for once, stop being seduced by fear-mongering and the emotional puppetry elicited from hot-button issues; stop voting against your own economic interests. The only people who should be voting Republican are the millionaires and billionaires, because those are the only constituents that answer to.  Vote for a candidate from a party that actually wants to shrink the income gap, not grow it. Vote for a candidate that wants to lower taxes for *your* tax bracket and increase the minimum wage. Vote for a candidate that wants you to have a free education and health care, and social security.
     Don't vote for a candidate because he will "shake things up in Washington and I like that." You know what else would shake things up in Washington, if we elected a nine year old kid as president. You know some winner of a patriotic essay contest or something. "Skyler Thomas for President, he's no Washington insider!" (With a backwards "r," of course.) "For my first act as president, I'm going to veto my bedtime, Mom!" 
Or maybe we should elect a zoo animal as president, like a llama or a penguin. That would certainly turn Washington on its ear! "That Mr. Waddles is one tough president, he stonewalled my talks on immigration reform for over two hours. He just kept casually catching fish in his beak that the Vice President would toss at him until I eventually just stormed out of the Oval Office!"
Or maybe we can dust off Nixon's cryogenically frozen head; I'm sure he could whip this country into shape! 1974's disgrace is 2016's humility. 
      All these options would "shake things up," but not for the fucking better. Just like if Trump were to be elected. He's a deplorable fascist. Just ask all the American citizens being forcibly thrown out of his rallies or 115 pound female press member his campaign manager manhandled.  But I guess some people prefer to be ruled by an iron fist.  I wonder how the WWII veterans feel about wasting their time fighting Nazis just to see home-grown fascism take root in America seventy years later.
     "Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." Hermann Goering, interview during Nuremberg Trials, 1946.
      The more I think about Donald Trump and how ridiculous he is, maybe some evil genius Democrats did mastermind this plan. To ensure another Democratic presidency whilst exposing all the backwater, mouth-breathing, misogynistic racists this country still has lurking about in an effort to round them all up, and offer them a "separate, but equal" opportunity to colonize the whitest place on earth: Antarctica! They can use all those survival skills they learned from their back issues of Soldier of Fortune magazine to create a frost-bitten utopia upon the tundra.  They can unfurl all those Confederate flags they have in storage, to wave proudly in the icy wind.  And maybe they can even find a few penguin presidential candidates while they're at it!

A few more various thoughts on this farce of an election:

I think I just realized what Trump's campaign music should be: the theme from Jurassic Park, as it is a great metaphor for this incredible farce. Mr. Hammond (the GOP elite) and InGen (big business) have genetically engineered this monstrous relic that was supposed have gone extinct (and stayed extinct) eons ago. But they weren't counting on the Dennis Nedry's (avarice) of the world cutting the power to the electric fencing and letting the monster out of his paddock. Trump likes to think of himself as some beastly King anyway, and now he is King of these beasts, playing off their basest fears and primitive beliefs. This metaphor works right down to his tiny Tyrannosaurus Rex hands!
🎼"This is the theme to Jurassic Park, da-da dum dum dum. Donald Trump is a demagogue, da-duh dum, DUM, DUM DUM..."
 This level of racism and jingoism has always been around; there's nothing new under the sun. It always lurked in the shadows around here, while it was certainly more pronounced in other regions. But for a while, it seemed like progress was being made, despite the warped opinions of some ignorant fringe groups. What is truly shocking and sad is how quickly and easily people jumped on his white supremacist band wagon. It was like he just flipped a switch and a mindless posse was formed. A couple of pitchforks and a few torches and it could be a new hit show on AMC. Mob mentality at its basest. It's like Trump gave these hayseeds a license to be racist again, mainstreaming racism. These groups are no longer on the fringe. They are banding together with only one thing in common: fear of people different than them. It's incredibly childish, among many other adjectives. I just read a great article about the rise of authoritarianism: http://www.vox.com/2016/3/1/11127424/trump-authoritarianism

Anyway, conservative, "core" Republicans certainly have created this monster, with their hot-button issue talking points as a way to pander to this sect and their 24-hour Fox News cycle, running amok, to this logical, but foreseeable conclusion. But now they can't control the beast and are kicking themselves for being so short-sighted, (but probably not for being so destructive). Hopefully, this will force a collapse of this Republican strategy and we can just casually walk by these dazed and confused folks on the march toward progress.

So, Super Tuesday has lead us to "What the fuck have we gotten ourselves into?" Wednesday, and I'm seeing a lot of sensible political posts, and some downright moronic ones. In many of these posts, inevitably, someone is comparing a candidate to Hitler. Most candidates do not fit that bill. Not even Donald Trump. What, you say? "But the things he says, his outrageous jingoism, his ruthless squashing of any enemy or critic!" Don't get me wrong, I believe he belongs among the pantheon of fascist demagogues, I just think these folks have the wrong one. He's less of an Adolph Hitler type, and more of the Hermann Goering type. (Honestly, referring to him as Hitler gives him far too much credit in the category of forethought.) He's a flashy, superficial, paunchy blowhard, obsessed with amassing wealth and baubles. He cares more about the look of power and the spoils than the actual power itself. If elected to the White House, I don't think his flat-footed stomping around the Oval Office, dressed as Julius Caesar, while sipping the classiest red wine out of a solid gold Trump trademarked chalice will be far behind. Where Goering was a supreme narcissist, Hitler was a supreme sociopath. I definitely thing Trump belongs in the supreme narcissist camp.
That being said, I've seen some really disheartening posts by fellow Democrats announcing that if Sanders doesn't get the nomination, they are taking their vote and going home; not voting at all. This sore loser attitude isn't helping anyone. Not only is that incredibly immature, if it is any more than Facebook hot air, it is to the detriment of the nation. Don't you dare hand your vote over to any manner of fascist demagogue, no matter how entertaining. This Republic is not a reality show and voting is not a game. And on a personal note, I've been a Democratic Socialist long before I even knew there was a term for it, since high school. I would have loved to see Sanders in the White House, but I'm not sure how much of his agenda could have actually been turned to law. I will support Hillary Clinton for the general election, because I think she is smart, capable, experienced, and will take the job seriously. Unlike the circus act, the Republicans are running.
To that end, I've heard/read this argument several times now, by Republicans: "I can't vote for Hillary, so I have to vote Trump by default. The best we can hope for is that he drives the nation into the ground, and it sends a message to Washington that we want a change. And then we can rise like a phoenix from the ashes." Or some lame variation of that. I'm calling it the Drunken Frat Boy Rationale. Maybe it sounds good for a second to your other wasted buddies, until you sober the fuck up and realize it's maybe one of the most ridiculous notions ever uttered. Because it's in those tumultuous economic, social, and political conditions that a dictator like an Adolph Hitler, actually comes to power. Because to me, that's sounds a lot like Germany, after WWI. And we all know how great that turned out!
And Dems, at that point, we won't have to worry about measly things like institutionalized racism, pay equality for women, living wages, LGBT issues, or funding for Planned Parenthood, because we will be too busy worrying about ethnic cleansing, genocide, famine, and child soldiers. And then, and only then will we have enough motivation to enact any real change, which will just get us right back here, where we started. Content people don't start revolutions, fat people don't take up arms, and people with mortgage payments don't fight for ideals. Complacency is their greatest weapon, and it's used against us all the time.
But all in all, this about sums it up...

I want a "Don't Blame Me, I voted for Kodos" t-shirt.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Music for a Meloncholic Mood

The sound of rain falling upon the roof at night, as it plinks into the metallic gutters or plunk-plops onto the grass has a romantic quality to it.  Thunderstorms can really be exciting to that effect, but there's something so melancholic about a rainy day.  It just doesn't hold the same magic.  I tend to long for night on these overcast, dreary days, so that saturnine feeling can turn dreamy as it drifts toward atmospheric.  So I can succumb to my emotionally sadomasochistic desires. Here are some songs that capture that forlorn sentiment.

Let's start with something a little more on-the-nose, as to ease our way into this warm, esoteric bath.

Tom Waits and Chuck E. Weiss- Rains on Me (Alternate Version)

Tom Waits- Strange Weather (Demo Acoustic)

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers- Louisiana Rain

Van Morrison- It Stoned Me

Elton John- Grey Seal

Thin Lizzy- Whiskey in the Jar

Lyle Lovett- Natural Forces

Guy Clark- Anyhow, I Love You

Townes Van Zandt- Be Here to Love Me

Jimmie Dale Gilmore- Because The Wind

Dire Straits- Six Blade Knife

Chris Isaak- Waiting

Lou Reed- Perfect Day

The Flaming Lips- Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

The White Buffalo- Redemption #2

Drive-By Truckers- Assholes

Lucinda Williams- The Night's Too Long

Otis Redding- Cigarettes and Coffee

Steely Dan- Dr. Wu

Warren Zevon- Hasten Down the Wind

Warren Zevon- The French Inhaler

Here's the link to listen to the playlist in its entirety: Music for a Melancholic Mood Playlist