Monday, November 13, 2017

Amusing Letters to an Anectdote (Of Which Became the Anti-model for the Bohemian Man)

Allo-allo my old friend,

I certainly was shocked to hear from you, and somehow, simultaneously, not shocked at all.  I think of you from time to time, just last Sunday, in fact, for no reason other than I wore a dress I had wore on one of our dates so many years ago.  How funny. 

I'm so sorry to hear about your divorce.  I always hoped you'd find the happiness and romance you sought.  But let me be the first to welcome you to the twice-divorced club!  Sorry I'm not much of a welcoming committee!  :)  Hell, I'm practically in the thrice-divorced club, myself.  I started seeing someone rather seriously about 5 months ago, to no avail, really.  I can't seem to find anyone that lives up to their presentation of themselves.  I seem to only find men that are sort of mean, and soured from life.  Just completely dispirited, or something.

But, I'm actually in a decent headspace, myself.  Despite all the BS, I keep plugging away.  I still can find some laughs here and there, still writing, and still loving El Duderino. :)

Although, at this juncture, I can only offer friendship, if you ever want to commiserate over some whiskey and trade war stories, I think I'd be up for that.

Enigmatically yours,

The Harold Theory of Power Dynamics; or What it's Like to Always Lose

Firstly, my smugness or cavalier attitude didn’t stem from me thinking,  ‘I’m so right about this.’  It comes from the painful nature of the idea, itself.  It’s an involuntary defense mechanism; I’m steeling myself off from the hurt of the detestable subject matter of your past loves/infatuations/conquests/relationships.  I get jealous like any other human being. I’m not so great, nor am I so evolved to not be affected by things like that.  I’m a flawed, frightened person, like everybody else.

Secondly, the reason I even bother chewing on this idea, sometimes in the back of my head, sometimes in the forefront, for three months is two-fold.

One, I’ve had nothing but terrible experiences with the ex-girlfriends of the guys I’ve fell for. Like, I found these discarded, but lovely persons that seemingly no one cared for, and all of a sudden, now that I’m in the picture, everybody wants back in because the male’s intrinsic value just shot straight through to the stratosphere, now that they are highly desired.  (Sorry to talk about people in such clinical terms, but it’s the easiest way to describe it).  It’s this real bullshit theme that’s run through my life.  And I guess I’ve gotten pretty good at picking out which one (or ones) are going to be the problem. My intuition does all the heavy lifting, of course, but my prefrontal cortex is charged with making sense of it all. And Harold was the one, above even the presentness of others, that seemed to stick in my craw.

And two, sort of why past is prologue, I got the distinct impression that you may still have feelings for that person, by some of the things you told me.  Not just how much you loved her, or pursued her, and ran after her, but how immediately you fell for her. And you suggested, one night, that we should go to dinner at the restaurant where she works so you could sort of use me to rub her nose in it. Make her eat her heart out or something, with no real regard about how I might feel in that scenario. (Incidentally, like a cheap means to an unnecessary, and rather vengeful end.) And more generally, you made mention a number of occasions, and I’m paraphrasing here, how you didn’t want to treat me poorly because of past women taking advantage of you, often sandwiched with an apology somewhere in there. It seemed clear to me that there was still some unresolved feelings.

These ideas floated in my head, ceaselessly, so I think at a certain point, my brain had to do something. That something was the The Harold Theory of Power Dynamics; a rationale for why I was getting the short end of the stick.  Which I hope by now, you see is riddled with my own demons and painful experiences. I got the distinct impression, albeit, maybe mistakenly, that you really went out of your way, and bent over backwards for her. In an effort to make her love you, I assume.  She sounds withholding and cold. Which is a perfect platform to rail against. In fact, you have to rail against, because it’s nothing but hardness.  There is no soft landing, or warm place to burrow, so railing, rebelling, or even coaxing and cajoling are all one’s got.

If someone has a low opinion of themselves, they aren’t going to trust anyone that sees real value in them. They are going to unconsciously think that person is either an idiot or a subversive. And they will find no value in the person that finds value in them. So they seem rather nonchalant about losing what amounts to be a valueless person.  No grand gestures or romantic last stands, await them.  Which is squarely my fucking camp.  That’s why the Harolds of the world get sought after, and the loving, pathetic nobodies of the world get their hearts broken. Sincerity doesn’t pay. Real love doesn’t pay. Because the human mind is full of shit. It prefers the dynamic tension of the power struggle to the banal contentment of settled happiness.  (I never said this was a cheerful theory. It’s cynical as fuck.) Oh sure, eventually the men all come around, they finally see the light, but it’s usually too late for me. Too late for me to trust the person or open myself back up. And so, too late for them too. So it’s a real fun time, man. Nobody gets what they want, and another wave of jaded, damaged people get thrust back into the world.

This theory could be totally off-base. I don’t particularly feel that way, but it’s out there to be disproved. That’s the scientific method.  It’s also not as cynical as it seems. It was developed in response to not wanting the same pattern to be repeated here, with us. Even though it looked like it could go that direction.

This overly philosophical, overly analytical shit is part of me, too.

Your neurotic, fucked-up, but very loving girl,

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Dear John Letters For the Egomaniacal Man

     Ryan Adams- To Be Without You

     I've never been so alone, as when as I am with you.  I've been alone for years, trapped in a demonic cycle of abuse and begging.   You kept me dangling on the line for so long, and I let you.  I fucking let it all happen.  Because you managed to tap into my inherent feelings of worthlessness.  And you found an effective way to manipulate them for your personal ends.  I kept crawling back for one more crumb or some little scrap of love or affection.  I was so starved I would have taken any bantam shred of putrid garbage you had to toss out.  Like a pathetic junkie, I was addicted to the paltry high of your divided attention, willing to whore myself out for any taste of you.
     My mind has been battered against the rocks, my heart has been stomped and splattered against the curb, and my body has been mangled and distorted beyond recognition.  All for you.  And I still find myself dragging myself through the grime for you.  Like, why can't I understand you will never love me?  Why I am such a dog with a bone for you, and this endless eddy of pain.  I must really hate myself.  I'm such a worthless piece of shit.  That's why I take it.  And that's why I get it.  That's why abuse and heartache will always flow my way.  Because there is nothing I can do to raise my pathetic status.  I'm an untouchable; nothing but third-rate trash.  My grandmother taught me that, and you more than confirmed it.
     I made up everything.  It was all a lie; a figment of my sorry imagination.  We were never married.  We never had a child.  I never had a six-month long nervous breakdown.  You never lied, or cheated, or betrayed me in any way.  I made it all up.  I did everything.  By being an inadequate, unworthy swine before your beatific, archangelic presence.  You were nothing but a saint; I a filthy sinner.  You will surely be canonized upon your death.  A sorrowful day the world over; flags will fly at half mast, and the world will never fully experience joy again, undoubtedly.  I am not even a human worthy of kneeling before you.  I am but a squalid fly upon your perfumed and cherished shit.
      You're so right, supreme ruler of everything sacred and musical.  Everything you did to me was harmless, because I am so meaningless, cheap and small.  I am not deserving of any human emotions, let alone your consideration, because even that is too privileged for an animal; this insect.  And certainly, no one would bat an eyelash if the king happened to step upon an ant on one of his stately parades.  It is a necessity of your kingdom to brandish yourself to your adoring subjects.  I am expendable; a mere servant, set upon this Earth to labor on the behalf of those greater than I.  It is I who is ungrateful to you, kind sir, for taking in this wayward soul, and giving her life meaning by bestowing the great honor of serving at your feet.  Of course Master gets angry!  For he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.  Great men face great pressure, with an intensity that the likes of this wretched pissant could never possibly comprehend.  God save the King!
     I'm tired of crying through the aisles of the grocery store like an asshole.  I'm sick of feeling like I don't exist.  And I can't stand another day when you make me feel like I am insane for remembering the fucking truth; for understanding reality.  Your constant negation of the past five years is enough for me to hate you forever, without ever having to dip into the events of those years for fuel for my contempt.  I tried and tried and tired.  Nothing ever fucking worked.  I gave every fucking thing I had to you.  I always went without so you could feel better.  I took hit after hit for you.  You would knock me down, you would fuck me over; dog me out, and I'd just swallow it all down, and wait on my knees for the next briny load.  Like a beggarly crack whore.  Sure, maybe I'd eventually make a halfhearted play at standing up for myself, but I never really followed through.  You took all my strength.  You were sure to suck that up first thing, with your vampiric forethought. 
     Then you started to unravel all of my outside relationships, to make sure I was good and alone; totally dependent on you.  The day my father died was the best day of your life.  No wonder you weren't worried when he was dying in the hospital.   No wonder you didn't care to be there for me, or mourn his death.  No wonder you went to work instead of being by my side.  Not only did you hold me in the lowest reaches of your contempt, but you hated anyone that showed you up in the masculinity department, and especially any one that could have saved me from you.  Boy, how he tried.  You're still trying to undo his protections.
     Then, I suppose it was easy to turn everyone against me, so I felt like not only did I have no where else to turn for friendship, but all that was out in the world were enemies.  God, you sure gleaned every detail of manipulation your hulking gorilla-head could absorb from those cult leaders of yours.  Hell, they did most of the work for you.  Every deplorable, lascivious minion slithering out of the gutter, and slinking out of the shadows to avail themselves to your ultimate and ambivalent will.  How the world just unfurls itself for your momentary pleasure.  Too bad you'll never really experience it; as your total anhedonia prevents you from ever actually knowing pleasure.  That must really fucking suck.  Sure, I get kicked the fuck around, sliming around with the lowest of the low emotions, but as least I have the ability to feel pure euphoria if it ever chances by.  All you'll ever feel is some cheap, artificially induced facsimile.
     Is it any wonder that I needed someone to resuscitate my lifeless, tattered body?  I know you think it was all some scheme to hurt you, or some kind of Sicilian vendetta revenge plot, but it was and continues to be about me and finding the power to break myself free of this addiction I've had for you since the moment I first laid my sad eyes upon you.  I could feel the enslavement wash over my body, then begin to course through my veins; it didn't just become part of me, it became me.  It consumed every part of who I was before I knew you existed, and laid waste to any memory of life before you.  It became impossible to live without you.  I couldn't breathe, I couldn't eat; I couldn't sleep.  Before we even spoke, only exchanging electric glances, I was in love with you.  I was living and breathing solely for you.  I felt my heart sink into my shoes, when I thought you had gone, that bitter winter night.  I was prepared to do anything it took to find out who you were.  It turns out you were the devil all along.
     Even as I write this scathing indictment of you and I, I am imagining a scenario where this fiery hell-pit of abuse and despair masquerading as a hopelessly romantic love affair could actually work the fuck out.  Which just proves how permanently brain-damaged I am from this whole fucking charade.  I'll never be the same.  I'll never get over it.  I am always going to be fucked up because of you and this cloven-footed union.
     Some part of me is always going to be up for the masochism.  Because some part of me is always going to feel like an insignificant, inadequate piece of shit that deserves every ounce of pain and hurt that happens my way.  Just for being such a disgusting asshole taking up space and resources that could be better utilized for the good humans of the world; the worthwhile.  I shouldn't even be allowed to breathe the same air as you, as my exhalations will only contaminate and besmirch the fineness and delicacy of real, deserving humans.
     I can't unsee your blackened soul.  I can't unfeel your fall from grace.  I put you so high above me on that gilded throne, I would have done anything for you, and very nearly have.  It is truly grotesque to imagine your once august body, now decrepit and gangly slamming to the petrous depths of Hell and surviving, surely because of some devil's bargain you struck long ago.  You still trick me into feeling bad for you, as is the nature of demons, I suppose.  I must cast you out of my soul; divorce by exorcism.  I don't see another way out.  But you are a sneaky, devilish fiend, and you'll always find a way to slither back into my soul.  How can something that has caused me such sadness be so hard to let go of?  It must be a diabolical illusion.

Tom Waits- Way Down in the Hole

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Autoerotic Love Letters For the Bohemian Man

I can't stop thinking about your granite cock.  I can't stop thinking about the way your mouth and tongue played upon the nape of my neck, making me moan reflexively, like a helpless child. I conceded all power to you, in that moment.  The way your rough, masculine skin, felt beneath my scintillated finger tips.  I just want to wade in the iridescent blueness of your sorcery.

"Yeah, and on a night when the lazy wind is a-wailing, around the Cutty Sark, the single-handed sailor goes sailing, sailing away in the dark." ~ Mark Knopfler Single-Handed Sailor

The thought of your fat cock in my mouth.  Throat-fucking me.  Tasting every inch of you; running my tongue from the thick base of your dick, slowly up to swollen head, rubbing the tip across my lips, before allowing myself to devour its entirety.  I just want to worship at the alter of your cock.  And the ultra-satisfying moment when I can feel your orgasm building as it courses through your rock-hard shaft, you throw your head back against the wall; contorting your body, and unloading in my waiting mouth.  "This is the best blowjob I've ever had in my life, baby.  You are such a good girl.  You're my good little girl, baby."

"And yawning under all those bowls was the upturned mouth of the biggest bowl of them all...a regular Beelzebub of a bowl, bone dry and insatiable...waiting, waiting, waiting for that first sweet drop." ~ Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan

I fucking need your contact high.  I haven't eaten or slept in days, yet my energy is being culled from an ancient source.  My primal id need only feast on unadulterated passion.  I'm running on primordial fumes of debased, animal lust.  I just want to be your good little sex bunny; to make you so happy and sate your every appetite.

I want to burn with that event horizon.  The flash of intense heat and light that streaks across the nocturnal inked sky, illuminating the universe for only the briefest of seconds.  And in that withering second all is revealed, and every emotion that ever existed is felt.

"Everything that ever has been always will be, and everything that ever will be has always been." ~Winston Niles Rumfoord

As if the true romantics aren't always awaiting their next spectacular disaster.  Maudlin sadomasochists like us need reasons to feel like shit about ourselves so all is right with the world.  I know I can come off tough, or cool, or like a jaded fuckdoll, but I'm truly delicate; so vulnerable.  So if you plan on wrecking me, you better do it in thrilling fashion. Make the pain worth my while.  Smash me into a thousand little pieces.  Just rip me asunder; tear me open, mother fucker.  Because I can't handle some half-ass heartbreak.  I don't want any coy bullshit; cut me with the full length of your rusted blade of furor. 

"The love song must resonate with the susurration of sorrow, the tintinnabulation of grief...for just as goodness cannot be trusted unless it has breathed the same air as evil..." ~Nick Cave, on love and pain

How can I go back to a tedious, decaying life, once I've bore witness to the burning grease fire that is you?  I could very easily get addicted to that level of chaos.  To your intoxicating freneticism; this blurry ribbon of color in a sea of dull nobodies.  My drug of choice. 

"Come writers and critics who prophesize with your pen, and keep your eyes wide, the chance won't come again." ~ Bob Dylan, The Times, They Are A-Changin'

You saw what you wanted and you fucking took it.  Like it always should have been yours.  Bravado, the slightest hint of arrogance, abstraction, sentiment, and raw sexual power.

The way you slick your hair back with both hands greased in sweat and my desire, as you kneel over me.  Cavalierly aware you are in total control.  You lean in and slither into my ear,  "I wanted to fuck your ass as soon as I saw you standing over the jukebox.  I knew I was going to fuck you from the first second I saw you."

"You are my sex goddess, aren't you?  My little nymph."  It echoes in my head, taking me right back to that indigo-gray tableau.  Your engorged, throbbing cock impaling my trembling little slit, making me whimper and beg for more.

"Shake it, Sugaree.  I'll meet you at the jubilee.  And if that jubilee don't come, baby, I'll meet you on the run." ~ Jerry Garcia, Sugaree

Watching you stride in, looking so fucking cool; devil-may-care, like the lost New York Doll. The crimson incandescence of the dive bar, the shudder I felt when you put your hand on the small of my back in those first minutes, playing records.  The way you ran your hand up the alabaster smoothness of my legs, unafraid.  I knew I would let you kiss me, and touch me; I wanted your poison. Walking through the desolate, mist-shrouded streets, along the train tracks.  Vampires of the night; drawing the other's blood.  The inherent symbolism in handing you my keys.  Feeling like we already knew each other.  Maybe in another life, or just somewhere in the dark recesses of our subconscious; longing for some negative astral phantasm of ourselves.

"The night's too quiet stretched out alone.  I need the whip of thunder and the winds dark moan." ~Tom Waits, Make It Rain

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions

    The following treatise was written in the fall of 2016, in response to a series of situations and bizarre goings-on, that had tormented my landscape, after I had exhausted every other reasonable possibility or solution I could think of.   The impetus for this particular writing was that my husband, wanting to move some equipment out of his parents' house, was subjected to a barrage of chastisements, guilt-trips, and manipulations, culminating with his family actually sending a hand-written letter to him, in the creepiest and most humiliating fashion possible; through the God-damned piano movers, charged with moving said equipment.  Because, you know, email is so complicated, and, uh, discreet.
     I held back on publishing this piece because I didn't want to create any more of a back-and-forth.  I just wanted them to leave us alone.  But I see that is impossible now; there is no high road in trench warfare.  The sheer amount of bullshit, cut-from-whole-cloth lies, and projection that has been whispered, slurred or stuttered to every bar fly to ever hold up a stool in the tri-county area, about me and my little family, has been officially confirmed, by someone who doesn't want to get in the middle of it, of course.  (But alas, I think that ship has sailed.)  It's not like I didn't already think that, based on the behaviors and demeanor of those I casually came into contact with.  It's not like I didn't have any inkling; all I ever had were inklings. I just didn't have corroboration for my hunches.  And now I do.
     I really don't care for childish shit like this.  It's stupid, illogical, and doesn't solve any problems; only perpetuates them.  But that's how most people like to handle things, I guess.  I'm in the minority.  You'd think, at some point, in middle age or beyond, people would be able to evolve past adolescent whims.  But, nah.  So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Am I right?
     For the record, I may be a lot of things, but a couple of things I am not is illogical nor dishonest.  I've built my whole philosophy around truth-seeking, mainly because my brain, or my conscience, wouldn't allow it any other way.  These are concepts I take very seriously; they aren't catty rumors to shoot the shit with over tequila shots.  The things I have written here are the truth, interwoven with my observations about those truths and the devastation it has caused.  I've tried several times to solve this problem; directly, and in person, with the people involved.  *I* made that effort, even though the onus wasn't on me to do so.  I did that because my husband was hurting, and his hurting was in turn hurting my daughter and I.  And the bullshit kept piling up; it was inescapable.  It put a huge strain on our marriage, which, I'm sure, was the penultimate goal.  There was this creepy undertone to the whole affair, like I was the mistress and his mother was the wife he would never leave.  Try dealing with that nastiness.  
    The other parties involved did not make any effort, beyond bald-faced lies and/or shirking of responsibility.  I am not going to be the scapegoat for years of dysfunction and psychological abuse.  There was 40 years of problems mounting before I even met any of these players.  A person doesn't turn to multiple addictions because they are so happy and fulfilled with their life.  Sorry, but that's the truth.  I've had to learn more about addiction, dysfunctional family dynamics, and enmeshment than I've ever cared to.  But I did so in an effort to educate myself in hopes that my husband and I could work out some of these problems, for some semblance of happiness, and at the very least, for the sake our child.  So she doesn't have to grow to be a fucked-up adult, unable to cope with life's lemons.
     On what planet, is a mother going to allow her child to be around people that not only think it wise to badmouth that mother, but think it is acceptable to manipulate the father, and use the child as a pawn in a sick, selfish game?  The only rumor floating around that they got right, was that my daughter doesn't have any contact with my husband's parents.  Because I don't trust them.  And my daughter isn't going to be around anyone I don't trust.  Her safety and well-being is paramount.  It is my job to protect her from this type of thing.  Honestly, I punish myself for not making that decision sooner.  I tried so hard to be agreeable, and reasonable, and just extricate myself.  But that wasn't enough.  She shouldn't be subjected to people and situations in which too many red flags persist.  Without trust, forgiveness doesn't even come into play.
     I was fine with just letting this lie, but others were not.  I've asked several times to be left alone by these people, as I don't want anything to do with people that think I'm such an awful, brain-washing, adulterous cunt.  But still they pestered, manipulated, harassed; showing up at events, sending unwelcome, "anonymous" packages in the mail, attempting to cajole my widowed mother on several occasions with sob stories and bribes, and spreading lies to anyone stupid enough to listen.  We don't want gifts or bribes, because it's too little, too late for that.  They didn't feel the need to get our daughter so much as a Christening gift back before the falling out; so why these gifts now?  Hollow holiday packages aren't going to erase the damage or pain caused by repeated selfishness, abject schemes, and obvious double-dealing.  But it sure would be a great way to look like the poor, underappreciated grandma, cast aside by cruel ingrates, without ever having to walk the walk.  "I send them gifts, and flowers, and cards; I never even get so much as a 'thank you.'"  There are no 'thank yous' forthcoming because, we've repeatedly asked them to stop sending us things.  That request is not respected, at all.  How is that demonstrating some change of heart?  How does that demonstrate that things will be different this time around?  These are just tiny straws upon the heap of horseshit that led to this very measured distance.  
      Further, if everyone out there cares about my husband as much as they purport to, why is just calling him up and asking him how he is doing, so fucking hard?   And, why would I ever, even once,  have to be the conduit?  Unless the motivations are less than pure, like trying to cause problems, for sinister amusement or revenge.  Also, what must these people think of their so-called friend, if they believe these stories about him being some hen-pecked weenie.  That's not exactly complimentary to this dear friend of theirs.  Ugh.  Why does everything and everyone have to be so creepy and weird?!  Why all the subversion?  Why all the secrets and whispers?  How is that friendship?  How is that family?  How is that love? Why would it ever have to get to this point?  Again and again. This carousel never stops.

      If I was all these things they said I am, why does Chris stay?  He is not a prisoner here.  He's not tethered to the fucking wall.  I'm the one home every day and every night with our daughter, while he is out at his party job.  It's not exactly working in a coal mine.  What type of prison allows the inmates out on the town, while the warden and the guards are stuck behind the prison walls?  That's one hell of a sentence.  I'm not some vindictive, calculating shrew with an axe to grind.  I'm a genuine person, once full of love, now full of obligation, but I'm certainly no one's whipping boy.  Nor do I want a whipping boy of my very own.  I wanted a partner.  I've given every fucking thing I have to make this family work, even my sanity.  If I didn't truly love my husband, why would I subject myself to this garbage?  This petty, spiteful, callow creepiness.  What would be the fucking point?  Why not just turn him loose? Why not just leave this disturbing, incestuous vortex as far behind me as possible?  This isn't a fucking joke, God damn it.  You're trifling with things that actually matter to me.  Things that are vital to my daughter's development.  Things that I've built my whole life around.  That he's centered his world around.  Things that are pure, and good, and genuine.  Why wouldn't I defend them, go to bat for them, with everything I have?

This is my response to all the allegations and manipulations.


     It must be great to live in a complete fantasy world where nothing is ever your fault and things only happen *to* you.  Never because of you.  So you are free to glean all the sympathy and negative attention you can manipulate from others in an effort to satisfy some scorned part of you.  That brand of crazy must be nice. Just hit the old crack pipe and the world can become whatever contorted trash you dream up.  Never having to deal with any pesky bouts of conscience or self-awareness; thereby removing all risk of shame and any roadblocks put up by trifles like decency or morality.  Personality disorders are supremely efficient that way.
  The New York Dolls- Personality Crisis 

    I know I've heard the word crazy thrown in my direction over the years. But I'm not crazy, I'm neurotic. There's a big difference. That difference lies in a hypersensitivity and a hyper-awareness.  In fact, I think the word neurotic is just academic shorthand for painfully aware of their own shortcomings.  And in most cases, a compulsive need to overachieve to make up for those shortcomings.  Neurotics take too much responsibility for things, in an attempt at control, whereas crazy narcissists take none at all.  Typically, neurotics tend to be ambitious, Type A personalities, whereas personality disorder types tend to be crazy, flighty, loser-y messes that can never quite amount to anything. Because they don't seek improvement. In their own eyes they are perfect.  And how does one improve upon perfection?
Ween- Happy Colored Marbles

     You don't get to perpetuate this bullshit with impunity.  You could have taken the breaks and bowed out gracefully.  You could have gave a shit, listened, and took it seriously.  You chose not to. How many character attacks, lies, manipulation and years did it take for me to fire back? To fight fire with fire? Almost three years, this has been going on.  Ratchet-Face "is not the first girl she's run out on a rail." ~JSJ on your family patterns, one night at Northern Lights.  How lovely. You all thought I'd be easy pickin's.  The old chestnut 'mistook my kindness for weakness' seems germane.  But maybe it was more like you mistook my apathy for successful manipulation.  I'm the type of person that keeps most people at arm's length.  Only a very select few get to know the parts of me that I give a shit about.  The rest is just fun and games, really, in the interest of wasting time, and harmony.  But really, arm's length was even too close for you people.  It's also too bad "reputation" and whatever bullshit people think of me doesn't matter much.  But it certainly shows your true colors.  You thought somehow you could badmouth someone, spread lies about them, try to hurt them, meddle in their marriage, hurt their child and that you would somehow still come out smelling like a god-damned rose?  When you act that vile and crazy, you're bound to be exposed. 

     Further, if you all cared about him so much and you really believed all this bullshit about me "brainwashing" him, then why didn't any of you try to reach out to him, call him, email him, text him, or better yet rescue him?  It's seems like a lot of armchair quarterbacking for such a serious problem...[cue world's biggest fucking eye roll.]  No one ever even bothered to call him just to ask how he's doing.  Not once, yet extended family members' opinions sure abound.  Isn't that quaint?  Yet, that is what everyone claims their big concern is.  That they just care about Chris, so they are saying this shit.  Uh-huh.  That sure is a funny way of showing you care about someone.  To completely ignore them, and attack their spouse (or in your eyes, "spousal problem") to try and cause misery.  Yeah, that's not fucking crazy, or drama-fueled at all...  I know you know you're full of shit.  You have to.  You know you're fucked up.  You know you fucked him up. You know you've tried to break up all his relationships, including my marriage. You just don't want other people to know what you did. It's understandable, since it is so deplorable.
Drive-By Truckers- Assholes

     It's all about image and looks. And as a secondary benefit in your effort to not look like the assholes you really are, you're lapping up all the sympathy your distended bellies can hold.  It's a little hard to believe you're "suffering in silence" or dealing with this with a "quiet stoicism" yet everybody (and their brother!) knows about it and is trying to get (albeit, lazily) involved. Yet, again, no one bothered to ask Chris about how he feels. Funny.  I guess your word is absolute gospel.  No other side to the story, no sir.  I certainly hope you divulged all gory details about the emotional incest, how you made him your surrogate husband when yours wasn't cutting the mustard.  How you hated any one that Chris was with, how you would arbitrarily and unilaterally compete with them for his love, call them by previous girlfriends' names, and tried to undermine those relationships at every turn. Or how you begged to babysit my infant daughter, several times, but wouldn't feed her or change her diaper any of those times.  And still asked to babysit again!  You must think I am really fucking stupid.  How about when you snuck into the house when we weren't home to leave articles on the desk to persuade Chris to put Dolly to sleep on her stomach after your constant nagging about it didn't work.  Even though EVERYONE, even people without kids, know you put babies to sleep on their backs to prevent SIDS. (Seriously, psychos look it the fuck up). It seems like you wanted something to happen there.  Too much competition for ya?
The Ramones- Danny Says

     I hope you told them about how you jerked Chris around about his substance abuse problems. Advocating that he not see a therapist because "there are a lot of quacks out there."  And you would know, because you've lined the pockets of plenty of them! And that he was "not stumbling down the street" or "sleeping under a bridge," (I thought that was trolls?) so he must be fine, and therefore  doesn't need help for his addictions.  Even when he told you face to face the problems he was suffering with, you pretended to understand and care, and then turned your back on him again.  Then he poured his heart out to you in letters that you never bothered to respond to.  I've never seen such selfishness in my whole life. And I've known some really shitty people.  To be so narcissistic as to deny your son has a problem, so he won't go to treatment, so no one ever has to find out how badly you fucked him up.  So no one would find out your deep, dark secrets.
Shel Silverstein- I Got Stoned and I Missed It

      I would find it kind of hilarious, if it wasn't so sad, that the only tool in your belt is manipulation by guilt.  That's one of the main reasons he doesn't want a relationship with you. The constant manipulations. Which he's spelled out to you. Many times. In letters and conversations.  He's learned to recognize the manipulations for what they are, but it doesn't stop it from hurting him.  Yet that's the tactic you've chosen to employ time and time again, and then have your henchmen employ, when your manipulations were falling flat. What a fucking joke, man. Do you see how ridiculous that makes you all look?  You seem like you'll go to any shameless length available to try to get him back into "the family" clutches.  Those all-important, so-desirable family clutches, that smells a lot like a creepy cult.  All but one length, of course. The only one that really matters or could have some effect; fundamental behavioral change!
Allen Toussaint- Chokin' Kind

     Specifically, oh I don't know, taking responsibility for all the trouble you deliberately tried to cause in an effort to suit your own selfish needs, with a complete disregard for the needs of others, including, but not limited to, your grandchild.  And, uh, you know, NOT FUCKING DOING IT ANYMORE! But oh no.   You're right.  It's better to keep widening that gap, which is the size of the Grand fucking Canyon by now, with even more derision, delusion, and manipulation. You refuse to listen to him, which shows how little you care about him.  That's why he's not coming back. He doesn't feel loved or supported. He feels used and abused.  He never knew the difference before.  He does now.  Because that's not how genuine love works.  It's not conditional and brimming with guilt. With a bunch of sycophantic praise piled on top to keep him strung out and on-edge.  It's not full of lies and secrets. It's not creepy and inappropriate.  You didn't want him getting help because you wanted him to remain helpless.  To manipulate and control your little protege.
     You don't get to treat people like absolute garbage, then wheedle around for sympathy from others, when those you abused don't want to talk to you anymore. Who told you it worked like that?  Sounds a lot like emotional Munchausen's By Proxy. You go around deliberately acting nasty and being abusive, and when those you abused get fed up and tell you to fuck off, you then get all sorts of attention and sympathy from family, friends, or basically anyone who will listen to your self-inflicted, bogus tales of woe about how your son is an ungrateful asshole because his wife brainwashed him not to love you.  Yeah, that sounds plausible. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with your own shitty, narcissistic, crazed behavior that caused him to turn to substance abuse and sex addiction in the first place, long before I ever knew him, lady.  Nope! That's too logical!  And as much as I think your husband is a sexist, selfish asshole who should have been there for his son instead of up his own ass; I sure see why he wanted to go to the bar every night to get drunk!  You're fucking nuts, lady.  No one could handle that shit. There are Buddhist monks that would crack under your regime.  Yikes!  Your son didn't stand a chance.
Merle Haggard- Tonight The Bottle Let Me Down

     Also, how could EVERY FUCKING GIRL he's ever dated be wrong for him? Every last one. Your dysfunctional family was the only constant within all of those relationships, the girlfriends were the variables.  You all were the common denominators, not me.  So, how could this be all my fault, when you had problems with every single person he dated?  You bad mouthed every one of them, to me, in person.  Sometimes when we would go to the zoo, or Greenfield Village, or other times at the botanical gardens on Belle Isle, or on one of your outings to the thrift store you'd drag me along to.  Yeah, remember all those activities?  He said you never did any of those things with the "other" girlfriends.  I have to wonder why that is.  I asked him about it, he said it was because he was so excited about me that he told you guys that it was serious this time; really hyped it up. That was his first fucking mistake.  He and I both thought you wanted to forge an actual friendship at first; he, because he didn't want to believe you were that awful and manipulative, and I, because I didn't fucking know any better.  I didn't know any of you or the fucked-up dynamic I was walking into.  But I do know now, it has been bullshit from jump street. 
Uncle Tupelo- So-called Friend

     I see now it was a subversive tactic, to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You weren't exactly reinventing the wheel, but it sure fooled me, for a while. You should actually be ashamed of yourself. You aren't.  But you should.  All you guys do is take advantage of people for your own personal gain. Chris has done it to me so many times.  I see where he gets it from.  The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the demented tree.  You have no fucking feelings, conscience or remorse. It's like you're these soul-sucking, callous robots. Everything you do is clunky and loud. You're not expert con men. You're amateurs who take emotional advantage of cornered people in sensitive situations.  You are just grasp-at-straws, two-bit hustlers, letting your feelings get in the way of success every god damned time.  That's how you ended up in the position you are in now.
Sublime- Foolish Fool (Acoustic)

     You now treat his wife and daughter like they don't exist.  (After the manipulation/trickery, then the garbage treatment didn't work.) Yeah, that's not going to work either.  We are his family. Fucking chew on that.  You try to separate him from the herd in an effort to lure him back into your fold(s).   He had that. He wanted out and he got out. He doesn't want back in. He doesn't want to be accepted back into the family "with open arms."  Especially if that means he leaves his wife and daughter behind. You really don't get it, do you? The messages aren't being received. Someone in that twisted brain of yours is censoring your mail. He doesn't want a relationship with you because it is *awful.*  He's not torn.  He's relieved.  Do you understand?  Fucking relieved!!!  That level of dysfunction, the narcissism, the emotional incest: it all took a devastating toll on him and in turn my daughter and I.  He doesn't want that gross inappropriateness.  What person in their right mind would? ( Another reason to keep him on drugs, right?!)
Tom Waits- House Where Nobody Lives

      I know he allowed you to believe it was me, (as was your knee-jerk reaction, as to not have to take responsibility for your dirty deeds) for a time, so he could come out smelling like a rose too, get sympathy from you, whilst not really have to deal with you; guilt-free.  It was the best of all possible worlds for him.  He definitely played a role in this breakdown, no question.  He was just following the long-standing family tradition.  You were all manipulating and scamming each other, simultaneously and continually.  Which is kind of fucking hilarious.  And fucking pathetic.  You can keep trying to blame me, but you know damn well it wasn't me.  That's why the family mouthpiece is conspicuously silent this time around.  You are the villains. And you have been from the start, I just didn't know it then.  He told me he couldn't go back even if he wanted to, because he can't unsee the things he's seen.  He can't recover the things he's uncovered.  I see why you didn't want him digging around in his brain for answers.  Why you'd rather teach him to pretend and hold all his emotions in; so you could do whatever you wanted to him without fear of reprisal.  It's pretty hard to "brainwash" a forty year old man, set in his ways.  But it's a hell of a lot easier to brainwash an impressionable child starved for love and affection.  So it seems rather interesting that's the accusation you keep throwing my way.  Textbook projection.
Tom Waits- A Good Man is Hard to Find

     This vilification is also getting you no where. It's actually impeding any type of progress.  I didn't start one fucking part of this.  And I'm not taking the blame for your son or any of you.  Fuck that and fuck you for trying to pin this on me.  I'm not your fucked-up family's scapegoat.  I was quiet for a while, because I just wanted to be left alone.  And the best way to beat a manipulator or a shit-starter is to completely deny access.  But you just wouldn't fucking quit.  You kept on trying to fuck with me, you kept right on fucking with your son any way you could, and you thought using my daughter as a pawn to tug at the heartstrings of those around me was going to get you somewhere, other than burning in hell.  That was a mistake. Fucking huge.  You want to keep talking trash, then I guess I'm just going to have to take to the bully pulpit.  I'm not going to let you break up my family. To make us miserable like you. I'm not going to let you spread your filthy cover-up lies to everyone to make me look like the villain and you like some pitiable martyr anymore.
Ry Cooder- Waitin' For Some Girl

     You should have left us alone. Instead you decided to continue your reign of terror. You don't care about that son you purport to miss so much. You just care about yourself.  He's not missing out on some great relationship with you. You're the ones missing out on a relationship with him.  He can breathe for the first time in his life. Your madness sucks all the oxygen out of the room. You're completely out of your mind; totally irrational. And no one can deal rationally with an irrational lunatic.  You were given chances to make this right, and you chose to talk out of both sides of your mouth instead. You chose to double-down on the guilt and manipulation, instead of making some sort of concerted effort or even keeping your word.  You chose to believe you were more deserving than everyone; that your happiness was paramount, so you didn't need to take into account the words your son or I spoke to you.  You chose to put on that tired song-and-dance act, instead of taking a hard look at yourself to see how to improve the situation.  You chose to deny his feelings, not to mention mine, and to deny the truth, so you could keep up this charade that provides you with that sympathy you crave so deeply.  That shows there is no fixing this.  That shit is on you. You fucked up, repeatedly.  I tried. He eventually tried. You didn't try.  No one else tried.  Simple. Simple. Simple.
John Lennon- Gimme Some Truth

      I'm fed up with your bullshit. I have been for a long time.  Chris has been for years, but only recently did he have the strength to do anything about it.  Why should he keep subjecting himself to your abuses?  I can't respect people like you because you don't respect anyone but yourself.  You think somehow, you are more deserving than everyone else.  And you're an especially egregious offender because you wrap it all up on this 'wronged little old lady' package to not only get away with these depraved offenses, but to suck up all the sympathy you can scrounge, for the (deserved) backlash that eventually befalls you. What a load of horseshit.
Lucinda Williams- Price to Pay

     Bottom line: you weren't on board with Chris' life choices so you staged a mutiny. You didn't want him getting sober, you didn't want him getting married, you didn't want him having a family of his own, you didn't want me moving in with him. (Or anyone) At weast not without askwing his mommy fwirst... So you decided to mutiny. But your coup attempt backfired. You lost. You were made to walk the plank instead of me.  Now I'm sure you're sore from all that water you've had to tread and the sun baking your sagging skin, but mutineers aren't allowed back on board. Sorry. Those are the rules. The trust has been obliterated.  You swung for the fences, but you struck out. That's the way the cookie crumbles. There is no taking it like a gentleman, I suppose. How many more metaphors crammed into this will it take to get you to fucking understand?  But really, I'm foolish to think that a crazed, egomaniacal mutineer would have any ethics to begin with.  Let alone ones to fall back on in the face of an embarrassing defeat.
Warren Zevon- Mutineer

  I also find it particularly piquant that you bitch and bitch about Chris not talking to you, but when he does try to communicate with you, you shut him down at every turn.  You try to cut him off, or interrupt; never bothering to listen.  Or you simply just ignore him.  He'll send you emails or texts, and all he gets back is radio silence.  You've got some damn nerve.  Go fuck yourself, lady.  He's poured his heart out to you many times; you didn't even think twice about double-crossing him.  "Fuck him for not kissing my ass for all that I did for him, right?"  But it's really more about the stuff you did to him, not for him.  And it's certainly not about what he "should" be doing for you, and according to you.  In general, people tend to not like to be around people that are miserable sons-of-bitches all the time.  It makes them feel shitty, and they don't like it, so they tend to avoid situations and people that make them feel that way.  That's why guilt is employed; it's the only way to keep them coming back for more abuse.  It's just sort of a natural pattern I've observed.  Consider it a helpful tip from me to you.  And stop lamely acting surprised that this happened.  It's fucking stupid.  It is the obvious result of that kind of self-serving, depraved, and greedy behavior.
Jonathan Richman- You Can't Talk to the Dude 

     We are a family unit. We actually love each other.  Despite everything.  Most of the time we just make dumb jokes, laugh, and snuggle on the couch.  It's not a big heap of bullshit like with you all. There isn't a bunch of creepy secrets we have to dance around, so we can actually relax.   That's why honesty is the best policy.  Cheesy as that phrase is, those after-school specials were right!  Most of our problems stem from Chris' lifelong abuse.  Dealing with him and his insecurities is a full-time job.  He needs real love, but he also needs brutal honesty.  Neither of those you could provide for him.  He likes to take, take, take, but all he does is hem and haw when it comes to giving.  It's like he isn't fully formed, just like a boy.  I feel very weird having to teach him things that my parents taught me when I was like five.
Leo Sayer- Giving It All Away

    He is like this wounded bird I am responsible for because he has attached himself to me.  He's like this pitiable pain-in-the-ass that I have to take care of.  I feel responsible for his well-being because I was the one that disillusioned him.  And because he is the father of my child, and she doesn't deserve to have her father be emotionally distant or bankrupt.  I feel like he would be mince meat, back there, in that seedy world.  He has no coping skills other than getting high in an effort to forget and pretend like things are fine.  His coping skills consisted of smoke, mirrors, and self-puffery.  Now he has to deal with his emotions straight up, and it's an agonizing ride.  Because he doesn't have many healthy coping mechanisms, I think anger or fear take over, most of the time.  He really was terrified of you that day in the Village.  He wanted to hide in that CVS, not me.  But I went along with it because I didn't want to push him.  He wasn't ready to confront you, so we just disengaged.  Dolly doesn't need to be a part of that, anyway.  I don't want my daughter around a bunch of lying, selfish, delusional pricks.  They make for shit role-models.  And I don't want to be around that horseshit either.  You keep right on lying to yourselves, and anyone within earshot, but it's not going to get you out of this mess.  Keep beating that tired drum, because you sure are drawing a lot of attention to yourselves, exposing yourselves even further.  There is no contrition, so there is no forgiveness.
Lyle Lovett- God Will  

Post Script:
     The funniest part of all this, to me, is your cheap tactic of claiming I'm the "real" manipulator.  Boy, it just stinks to high hell.  Because that would mean, I've pulled off some sort of long-form con that is nothing short of genius.  Because I have texts, and emails, and time-stamped Facebook conversations from so many of the incidents.  It would have taken this immense and brilliant forethought to have been able to dream all that up, set the stories into motion at just the right times, then cover my tracks by talking to friends about it over text or FB messenger.  By telling the exact same story, at the proper time, to my therapist, my doctor, and my parents.  Just so I could have an extensive and damning paper trail, replete with first-hand reports from healthcare professionals.  All while "brainwashing" your impeccably-raised, supremely intelligent son, somehow, inexplicably defying his wonderfulness with my nefarious brilliance and allure.  Do you understand the magnitude and scale of something like that?  And, I would have had to pull it off all by myself.  That would make me some kind of evil mastermind, to which a lot of fucking credit would be due.  I mean if I did all that, could a fascist dictatorship be far behind?  Why I am wasting these illuminating and intricate skills on just being a stay-at-home mom?  When I could be taking over the world!!!   Or maybe, just maybe, the shit really did go down this way; I'm telling the truth, and you guys really are just fucking lying, conniving assholes.  My money is on the latter.  Especially seeing as how I had zero motive to do any of this.  There is no money, no power nor fame.  There isn't even anything masquerading as love to be gained.  But you and your family certainly have a motive for causing trouble and lying.  You also have a history of this pattern of behavior, not only with your son's previous relationships and marriage, but your brothers' marriages too.  You cut this problem out of whole cloth.  You created this rift with your hysterical flailing.  You're not pinning this on me or him, no matter how hard you try.  Ironically, in an effort to hide what fruitcakes you actually are, you have this hilarious tendency to make yourselves look even more insane.  Nobody wants to listen to your shit, anymore, least of all, your son. 
 The Casinos- Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye 

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Agent Orange: The Presidency Thus Far Part I- January and February

The following is a collection of various essays, rants, commentaries, and scathing indictments of Donald Trump's administration, policies, the campaign that got him the White House, and the political climate at large.  There are also links to various articles, or "fake news" in Trump-speak, which seems is anything reported about him that he doesn't like, (which surely is hard to keep up with.)  There is some excellent journalism out there, that is actually trying to hold the administration accountable, which is the entire point of the First Amendment that guarantees a free press.  The essays are listed from most current to least.


     I'm just thinking out loud here, but it seems to me that so many things come down to sex, or lack thereof. Maybe if people, especially politicians, and these fringe assholes, were getting laid a little more, they could be a little less, oh I don't know, embittered toward the entirety of humanity. They could maybe just *pause* that egomaniacal, greedy and/or violent shit-heel part of themselves. If we could just override these out-moded, repressive sexual tendencies, that the right seems to be especially fond of, perhaps we could make some headway. (Pun so fucking intended.)
      So, let's be real, it's not like these bozos are any stranger to women of the night, so why not use that to advance the greater good? We create something of a hybrid Super PAC slash non-profit. Something with a long convoluted named, like Americans for Economic Prosperity, or some bullshit, but in actuality it would be more like Prostitutes for Progress. "Doing the job that *no one* and we mean no one, wants to do!"
Not only are these women, (or men, whatever the case may be,) pumping the ol' economic stimulus, but while they have these folks in such a vulnerable position, you know, by the dick, as it were, they could sort of coyly imbue them with little statistics or factoids; indoctrinate them with some empathy, during or post-coitus. Just try to educate them when they are at their most open. And we are creating jobs!
      If people were busy knockin' boots, then perhaps, they wouldn't be out committing hate crimes or passing oppressive legislation. I guess what I'm trying to say is the people spewing the most vile vitriol look like hideous ghouls. Take gin-soaked Bannon or that Stephen Miller asshat, for example- hell Newt Gingrich; they're not exactly what you would call "lookers." (How that elephant seal Gingrich ever managed to get three separate women to sleep with him, is beyond me.) It's never the George Clooneys of the world spouting off about racial superiority or the pitfalls of third-wave feminism.
      I don't know. I'm out of other ideas on how to deal with this level of aggression. It will not stand, man! But maybe our closest living relatives; the bonobos could teach us a thing or two. Or maybe this is the most insane idea I've ever had.


     Looks like your boy is a chickenshit. Widdle Donny-Wonny is such a tough guy; he's going to defeat ISIS, deport millions of illegals, and bring back coal-mining! But he can't handle a few comics. "Waaaahhh! Ivanka, they're making fun of me!" And I guess it might be hard to face a room full of people you've just tweeted as America's enemy. Never mind that whole First Amendment thing.
      But seriously folks, I'm sure he just didn't want to follow President Obama's act. Those are big shoes to fill. His Correspondent's Dinner speeches are legend. That guy has a fantastic sense of humor, and some of the best, if not *the* best, dry comedic timing I've ever heard.
      I'm sure Alternative Slim will be busy golfing, anyway. Though, he should try fucking jogging.

Trump Will Be First President In 36 Years To Skip White House Correspondents' Dinner -NPR


     And here you pro-birthers thought this was some deeply-held personal belief. Turns out, it was just another scheme to get you to vote against your own interests. Man! That suuucks. Your belief is rooted in segregation! Or more accurately, the anti-desegregation movement. The same rednecked, archaic assholes are leading the movement today. What a shock. Fat, white, and impotent. Freud was right, so much depends on sex. Or lack thereof. When someone isn't getting any, they go on the warpath. We've all been there. But, these unfuckable losers haven't gotten any since the Eisenhower administration, and they are bound and determined to make *every* body pay for it. History is fun.

It Wasn’t Abortion That Formed the Religious Right. It Was Support for Segregation. -Slate


     So, most of you know that I really don't drink or do drugs, which I guess makes me a bit of a lame teetotaler. But even though the legalization of marijuana doesn't affect me or my lifestyle, I still have strong feelings about it. (Que suprise!) At this point, it should just be legalized nation-wide; regulated and taxed, as I don't see it being any worse than alcohol or cigarettes, which no one seems hellbent on criminalizing. (Not yet, anyway.) But at the very least, it should be left up to the states. Especially the ones that already voted to legalize it.
      Remember when Republicans were for *smaller* government? This administration is only for smaller government when it allows the plutocracy and billion-dollars industries to cash in on that so-called smaller government. Deregulation of business and banking, deregulation of the EPA, deregulation of the FDA. They can cut all the taxes for the top 1%, pollute the hell out of the country/planet, allow greed to run rampant throughout corporations and banks unchecked; allowing for another recession like in 2008, reinstate the for-profit prison system, dismantle public schools in favor of the proven shitty voucher system, institute hypocritical fundamental Christian "values," build that stupid waste-of-billions wall, and deport every illegal in the country, but they certainly can't do it under the guise of smaller fucking government. They are extending the federal government's reach to new depths of depraved greed and perverse bullshit.
     So why would an administration that is so obviously for capitalism at all costs, want to limit legitimate, taxable businesses? Why would they be for larger government, that supersedes states rights? (Those all-important, Civil War-starting, states rights!) And now bother American citizens with their Marijuana Gestapo? Hmmm, I wonder. The more laws this administration has on the books to intimidate, hassle, investigate, and incarcerate working class citizens, the better. That for-profit prison system line item would come in real handy too. And so would the prosecuting of American minorities for minor drug possession offenses. So would the prosecuting of American majorities, who happen to be recreational pot-smoking Democrats. It's like the fucking 1960's all over again. If you don't have a crew cut, a corporate stooge job, and a set of golf clubs, look out! You are the enemy, now. They will eventually run out of illegals to deport, and they need to set their sights on some fresh meat. Dirty, no-good hippies, with their long hair, and free-thinking will be just the ticket. This administration isn't going to be happy until we are all basically Pat Boone.
     Also, this won't do SHIT for the opioid epidemic, that is taking over not only cities, but mostly rural, backwater burgs. The gateway drug into opioid addiction is prescription fucking painkillers, not weed. You know, things like fat fuck Rush Limbaugh's drug of choice: Oxycontin. So, yeah, Speecy Spicy; this is *really* going to fucking help with that. And then you can dismantle the Affordable Care Act, so your own fucking supporters strung out on heroine in WhoGivesAShitsville Kentucky can't get any fucking treatment. Thanks again, Trump voters, for making our slowly progressing nation into a third world authoritarian hellhole as fast as you can say, "Make America Great Again."

 Cannabis industry roiled by White House comments on enforcement -USA Today


 Man, I really like and respect this Pope. I haven't been interested in Catholicism for many years, but I have to say, he's got a way of really spelling it out. And I enjoy his off-the-cuff style. He is logical, and smart. I hope he can counter some of this bullshit Trump's administration is setting off. Pope Francis is an actual humanitarian.

Pope suggests 'better to be atheist than hypocritical Catholic' -Reuters


     In this dizzying state of eroded democracy we seem to be slithering toward, odd allies and heroes are bound to emerge.
Senator McCain to Chuck Todd, "A fundamental part of that new world order was a free press. I hate the press, I hate you especially, but the fact is we need you, we need a free press."
Unlikely bedfellows indeed...

McCain on shutting down press: That's how dictators get started -The Hill

Another surprising example of odd allies coming forward.

Chris Wallace Grills Priebus on Trump’s ‘Enemy’ Tweet: ‘You Don’t Get to Tell Us What to Do’ -Mediaite from Fox News


     So really enjoyed this 70 degree weather, today. Totally devoid of any climate change elements. Climate-change deniers are sooo right. It's always been this warm. In February. In Michigan. We've always had more rain than snow. Never had permafrost winters. With huge piles of snow that didn't melt until May. It's so weird that George Soros would implant false weather memories in us liberals' brains. How low will they stoop? I mean, really. It's getting absurd. All these fake scientists making up fake facts, broadcast by the fake news media. And fake NASA. Everyone knows that anecdotal evidence is all we need to form 'real American' opinions. And the anecdotal evidence suggests it's fucking warmer than before. Therefore, it must have always been. The burning of fossil fuels don't even emit carbon. It's a known alternative fact. They emit rainbows and pure testosterone! Typical liberal media bias, never reporting on the testosterone-emitting benefits of fossil fuels. So WRONG! I'm like a really smart person, okay. And my rantings will NOT be questioned. Above reproach, okay. Bigly.

A response from a climate change denier named Randy:  I knew someone would bring this up so I looked up the record for yesterday. It was 62 in 1976. So please explain why it is no warmer than 1976.

My rebuttal:    Um, Randy, that was my point exactly. Climate-change deniers, among all kinds of other science-denying groups, like to use anecdotal evidence to try to reassure themselves, or sway public opinion that what peer-reviewed science says isn't true, but their uninformed opinion, that lacks experience or education, is not only equally valid, but superior. It would be laughable if it wasn't so terrifying. So, I decided, to use that same tactic, against them, in a satirical, midnight ramble. It was my smart-ass response to things like snowballs on the Congressional floor as proof that climate change is not taking place. 

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) Snowball in the Senate (C-SPAN)  

Further evidence:
 Further, you should read this meta-study on the cumulative effects of carbon emissions and the burning of fossil fuels. It is not light reading, but it is informative, and unequivocal. There are also plenty of charts and graphs, that illustrate the point. It is also the definitive study cited by governments worldwide as their main call-to-action. The man-made rise in fossil fuel usage since the industrial revolution is responsible for the overall warming of the earth, degree by degree, year after year. Though climate changes are a natural process, they are being sped up, significantly, by the sheer amount of carbon emissions.

 Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report

Climatologists, biologists, ecologists; they don't really have a motive to lie about climate change. We all know they didn't go into the deep sciences for fame and glory. Scientists aren't household names. But we do have hugely powerful, multi-billion-dollar fossil fuel companies, entire industries, centered around the burning of these fossil fuels with a direct and substantial profit motive.

Why would anyone lie about climate change? I could think of a trillion-dollar reason.

Also, here is what those do-gooder morons over at NASA have to say. Bunch of NASsholes, really. 

NASA Climate Change Facts 


     Even Fox News is calling you out, there Donny! This is at least the second time Shep Smith called out Trumpy on Russia, on air. The first was after it was established that the Russians unequivocally tampered with our election, and Trump was still denying it (he eventually acquiesced, after much waffling). Man, maybe the word 'hero' is too much, but strange allies are starting to emerge. Megyn Kelly, now Shep Smith. Maybe they are getting mighty tired of their life's work being called "fake news" by a guy that single-handedly keeps self-tanner companies in business.

Shepard Smith Calls President Trump’s Press Conference ‘Crazy’ -Yahoo from Fox News


     Why would a "hard-charging patriot" turn down the job of National Security Advisor? Think about that, for a while. People are giving Agent Orange, a *wiiiiide* berth.

Robert Harward turns down Trump's offer to be national security adviser -The Guardian


 Another domino in the Trump administration falls. Wage-miser and super creep Andrew Puzder is out! This is truly stranger than fiction.

Andrew Puzder Withdraws From Consideration as Labor Secretary -The New York Times


     That sure didn't take long... General Flynn is the first casualty in the bumbling Trump administration. Do you really think Trump didn't give him the okay on talking about lifting the sanctions??? Come the fuck on. Flynn was forced to resign, by Steve Bannon, no less! Yikes! This whole bunch gives me the creeps.
      They don't have any cohesion, even among themselves. This is why cutthroat, egomaniacal businessman make shitty world leaders. There is no greater sense of duty or morality that exists inside of them. Any shred of that would have been conditioned out, long ago, in the unadulterated capitalistic thunder-dome they so sought to rule.

Flynn's Calls With Russia's Ambassador: Who Knew What, and When? -The Atlantic


     So, how does everyone feel about this? A president at odds with his intelligence agencies: good or bad thing, folks? These are people much smarter than you or I. People at the highest reaches of the global game. People with much more experience; who have made careers out of reading, observing, and analyzing people. And their assessment of Trump isn't a favorable one. So much so that they are withholding information for fear of it being compromised, or leaked for use *against* the United States. Maybe, just maybe, this is why we shouldn't have a volatile, immature madman at the helm.

The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins -Observer


    To anyone who is Christian, and yet, still voted for Trump; you should read this. This makes all the points without any acerbic digs or sarcasm, as so often pepper my tirades. I cannot hide my disdain and distaste for religious hypocrisy, for it's the most egregious form of blasphemy. And further, I feel it would be disingenuous of me to do so, as my passion runneth over. But this article brooches the subject with sensitivity and care, yet a firm hand.

Dear White, Christian Trump Supporters: We Need To Talk -The Huffington Post


     For all those morons who kept screaming 'Benghazi' as some sort of rallying cry against Hillary Clinton, how do you assholes feel about Yemen? How about the pro-lifers (pro-birthers, really), how do you feel about the children killed in this raid. Yay or nay? Is it okay because they're non-white, and non-American? Or is that just the cost of doing business?
     Clinton was somehow responsible for a terrorist attack on an American embassy in a veritable war zone, while she was Secretary of State, so tell me how Trump isn't responsible for the botched raid in Yemen that he ordered? Over dinner, with little intelligence other than Obama didn't want to do it, (because he didn't have enough intel on it to move forward.) Where they did NOT capture their target, killed a bunch of civilians and a Navy Seal, and fucked up relations with the Yemeni government to the point where they withdrew permission for antiterrorist ground missions.
     Spicer is calling for apologies from anyone calling the raid anything but a sweeping success, including Senator John McCain, though by all accounts, it was an unmitigated disaster. Oh, no, but that's not a failure. It's an ALTERNATIVE SUCCESS!!!

Why Is the White House Calling Its Yemen Raid a Success? -The Atlantic


     This shit happens to me all the time. Go figure...
      Even from those that seem "well-intentioned." And women do it to other women too. Because they've been castigated and subjugated; they think because they didn't stand up, no woman should. Fuuuck that. They need to get a backbone and some God damned self-respect.
Though, I don't second guess myself, as this article suggests, which is what the men who engage in this bullshit are after. I double the fuck down, because I know their petty, insecure game. Sorry wieners, but intelligence isn't gender biased. It's arbitrary as fuck. So that really punches some holes in the ol' male supremacy theory.

Elizabeth Warren Was Told to Be Quiet. Women Can Relate. -The New York Times


     Bernie calling out Trump for the lying charlatan that he is. We fucking tried to tell you. A guy that spent 70 years of his life fucking over the little guy wasn't going to just magically change his nefarious ways to start working for the middle class, when given ultimate power. What the fuck made any of you think that???? Are you all smoking crystal meth?

After Trump moves to undo financial regulations, Sanders calls him ‘a fraud’ -The Washington Post


Holy shit! It's like they think we are all fucking morons!!! "Those peons will never put the pieces of the puzzle together! And even if they do, we'll have undermined and obliterated the truth enough for it not to matter...Muahahaha!"

eff Sessions grills Sally Yates on saying no to the president when she was Obama’s nominee -Raw Story


     I think all those geniuses who said we were overreacting when, we on the left, compared Trump's campaign to the Third Reich, can officially go fuck themselves now. You've got white supremacist, cargo short-wearing fat-fuck, Renaissance peasant Steve Bannon drafting executive orders. And he's now on the National Security Council! A group of white, small-dicked douche bags signing away women's rights in the Oval Office. (I'd prefer Slick Willy getting his sucked in the Oval Office to this, quite frankly.) We've got a ban on Muslims, but only from countries Trump *doesn't* have business dealings with. We're turning away humans in need, like good hypocrites...ahem, I mean Christians.     
    And the president is already ignoring orders from the courts, for stays on many of the Muslims caught in limbo, due to Constitutionality concerns. Fuck that old yellow piece of paper, right?! I mean these people already pick and choose from their Bible, so why not the Constitution too. Nothing is sacred when you're a fascist dictator or his stupefied constituents.
      So, what do Bernie Sanders, the Pope, and Dick Cheney all have in common? And no, this is not the set-up for a dirty joke... Give up? They all think the Muslim ban is a terrible idea! For not only humanitarian reasons, but for national security reasons too. Banning Muslims, especially from cherry-picked countries, while excluding countries that actually harbored Al Qaeda, just creates more reasons for ordinary folks to radicalize and it gives momentum and fodder to the terrorist factions to recruit more minions. It also doesn't do anything about any of the home-grown radical fundamentalists (including and especially the Christian dominionists.)
     We've got the world's dumbest wall going up. $15-25 BILLION dollars worth. That Mexico unequivocally said they are NOT going to pay for. We get to foot the bill for a stupid wall, of which there are already walls, fencing, and patrols up around much the border. Why is the wall stupid you ask? Because tunnels, (like all those ones drugs are smuggled through), airplanes and boats exist. That's why. And if "bad hombres" really wanted to get into this country so bad to wreak havoc, they would find a fucking way. Like go through Canada or fly in from Europe. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. (Just like those 2nd Amendment bozos always say: why bother with gun laws because the bad guys will just get them illegally, anyway. Funny though, I bet the Venn Diagram on that would have a whole bunch of overlap.)
     We've got a president and his band of fascists Brownshirts waging war on legitimate new sources (which is rich considering Bannon previously ran FrightFart news) in an effort to undermine the truth, and hide their dirty double-dealings through "alternative facts" aka LIES and PROPAGANDA. They are charging journalists with felonies just for covering protests. And trying to silence any and all even quasi-scientific, government agencies. While our fuhrer, I mean, president can't keep his tiny, orange hands from sending out petty and trivial tweets about his perceived enemies like Alec Baldwin, union leaders that called him out, or Congressman and civil rights hero, John Lewis.
It's obvious Agent Orange is in-league with Putin. Not only through corrupt business dealings, but through blackmail kompromat too. And the ex-KGB agent that was suspected of helping MI-6 agent Christopher Steele compile that dossier on Trump was just found murdered in the back of his car, in Moscow. So there's that. Not to mention Trump has already threatened to militarize Chicago. What fun! How did democracy ever exist without this guy?!
     Cheeto-Mussolini and his billionaire cronies want to pretend climate change isn't real so they can keep right on polluting the planet for obscene profits, at the expense of us all. They don't want to invest in or develop clean energy sources because than the fossil fuel companies won't be top dog any longer, and they won't be able to pay for that fifth vacation home, private jet, or yacht. Good old-fashioned greed is the only motive for denying the research of 98% of scientists on this planet (who really don't have a fucking motive to lie!)
     And then we have the domino effects of all this tyrannical bullshit. Republican wing-nuts in Texas are trying to pass a law making abortion a felony, which would mean any woman who gets one then loses her right to vote. How's that for disenfranchisement and totalitarianism!
     They want women to breed like cattle. They aren't pro-life; they are pro-livestock. And further, no one cares about these kids or mothers once the babies are born. They are trying like hell to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and cut and/or privatize Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, CHIP, funding for the arts, public schools, and WIC and food stamp programs. Because fuck those screaming infants! Fuck those hungry children. Wah, wah, wah! Quit complaining! Get a job, you free-loading ankle-biters, like the kids in the sweatshops overseas, producing Trump merchandise! We only care about fetuses and zygotes. They don't have money for these programs, but they sure have $25 billion just lying around for that wall!
     This is blasphemy of the worst fucking kind. Self-righteous hypocrisy. This isn't what Jesus would do. This is some warped Ayn Rand bullshit. Think about that next time you are on your knees to pray.
This is what fascism looks like, folks. Using fear tactics, propaganda, and scapegoating minority groups to control and manipulate you into handing over the power to them, where they take it and run. They overreach, they rape and pillage, they punish dissenters, and they eliminate any and all perceived enemies. The checks and balances in our democracy can only stretch so far.
     The only bantam solace I can glean from this is, that no longer can the red states claim that they are the "real Americans." No longer can they shout that they are the true patriots, for they are the ones that allowed our democracy to crumble. They are the ones that hand-delivered our Democracy to a bunch of fascists. So a special fuck you to all those that contributed to this test of our great Republic. I sincerely hope we don't lose our democracy and all the progress that so many have worked and toiled for. That so many have given their lives for. Especially over a corrupt, spray-tanned, whiny megalomaniac in a bad toupee. You knew he was like this, but you voted for him anyway. You were warned about this countless times. I know I posted article after article about this very subject. You didn't care, you thought you knew better. You thought you didn't have to listen to any lefty, academic, liberal snowflakes. You were sick of Obama and his successful blackness, and you sure as hell weren't going to let a woman tell you what to do for four years! That's a fascist's- I mean a white man's job! So a big thanks to all those *real Americans* who installed a fascist, erratic, and overly-sensitive dictator into the White House. Make the White House white again!


    Next time a Trump supporter is perplexed as to why someone might think they are racist, show them David Duke's tweet. Never forget you are now on the same team as the Klan and those alt-right Neo-Nazis douche bros, like Richard Spencer, the "hail trump" shithead. You're all celebrating and taking ownership of the same guy. Think of all the new friends you'll make!

David Duke: We did it -The Hill

 Also, here is Hitler Youth Haircut getting punched, by some masked vigilante, and then running away, like a grabbed-pussy. 

The World Deserves A Space On The Web Devoted To Nothing But Richard Spencer Getting Punched In The Face -Modern Liberals 



    It's just locker room banter, folks! It's just words; they don't even matter! So, using that logic, you can't even get pissed at the shit I write. Haha!
     "He allegedly replied: "I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct," according to the warrant... As she walked by, he allegedly pinched her in the groin area, according to the warrant. She threatened to punch him if he ever did that again, the warrant said. She said he "looked back with a really evil look in his eyes and said, 'it would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you,'" according to the warrant."
     But wait... It's not just words, it's words and pussy grabs, and groin pinches, and forcible tongue-kissing, and tit fondles, and full-on rapes of 13 year olds. (See Jeffrey Epstein cases.) Because if words can't or don't incite actions, then what is the point of speech, or any type of written or verbal communication? When you question your husband on why he didn't take out the garbage like you asked, will you willingly accept the answer, "I didn't take it out because words don't matter, remember?" And we can take it a few steps further than household chores. If you found a series of racy sexts between your wife and another man, would you not be at all mad because, you know, words don't matter? If words don't matter, then the Constitution doesn't matter, nor the Bill the Rights. If words don't matter then I guess the Second Amendment doesn't matter. If words don't matter, then why does President-Elect Tiny Hands take to Twitter to try and excoriate his perceived enemies? I mean saying words don't matter is like taking a hot, steamy pee on one of the few reasons that man is at the top of the food chain; that is, extensive language. Being able to verbally communicate beyond a series of grunts and chest thumps are what led to the building of civilizations, as flawed as they may be. You want to separate yourselves so desperately from your evolutionary Simian relatives, yet you would now like to do so without recognizing one of man's crowning differences. It must take a whole lot of cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics to work that shit out in your heads.
     Also, I totally realized who Donny reminds me of: Richard Dawson! But without the English refinement, subtle charm, nor the dry wit.

Cops: Greenwich Republican Insulted Town Worker, Then Pinched Her Groin

 Maybe Agent Orange can get DJ Assault to play the Inauguration. DJ *Sexual* Assault.


     Laughing at Donny's Russian hotel piss parties is all we have left. He is an openly hostile, fraudulent conman. And now he is "leading" the free world. Are we really this racist and sexist that we let this C-list celebrity buffoon be elected to the highest office in the land? Or are we just that gullible? Even if you voted for this guy because you bought into his BS narrative on jobs, corruption, blah-blah-blah, you couldn't possibly be happy with his performance thus far. The last Republican administration fucked over the economy, so let's do it again, with even shittier players. Donny is a lying, greedy, weasel-y pervert. And he is perverting our hard-earned American freedoms. His global business conflicts of interest, his Russian ties and sympathies (which may turn out to based on blackmail, on top of monetary reasons), his sexual assault allegations, and his boorish behavior should have made him a laughingstock. Instead it made him our President. A dangerous, thin-skinned, whiny, vindictive poor excuse for a President. Certainly not our finest. Definitely no where near great. At this point, I miss Dub-ya.

Donald Trump press conference: Folders 'containing his business plan' appear to be blank -Independent