Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Vaccuum of Your Eyes or Passion Awakened

Your eyes, Jesus, your eyes. They are one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. The intensity behind those eyes is something that dreams (or possibly nightmares) are made of. They burn into my body, especially into my own eyes, so much so, that I have to look away every now and then because I can't take it. But I eventually get up the courage to look into them again and the intensity builds once more. They suck me into their vortex, it takes all my strength not to fall right there on the spot. They don't look at me, or through me, they look into me. It's like you are staring right into my soul. I catch you looking into my eyes, even when mine are closed or my head is thrown back. I open my eyes right into yours. Those dark, soulful, almond-shaped eyes; they haunt me so. I can think of nothing else. The way your face slightly cocks to the side, your eyes open wide, peering into my subconscious, a wisp of hair delivers a droplet of sweat onto my lips, it's both salty and sweet. You never close those eyes, you just keep studying me. I soak it up, I bask in it, as much as I allow myself to. I won't fully let myself go, I want to so desperately, but I know what will happen if I do. I wonder what really goes on behind those black orbs, is it the evil side or the sweet side that's present? Pressed together, in the middle of the bed, my legs wrapped around your back, looking straight into each other's eyes, never wavering, even for a moment, as our bodies rhythmically move simultaneously into and against one another. It is one of the most intense moments of my life. I feel so connected to you. I am not outside myself, like usual, I am so in tune, I am so present, so involved. Your hands caress ever so gently the sides of my face as you kiss me. It feels so good, so honest, so real. I feel like it is one of the few times I am made love to, it is more than just fucking. And it's not something I am just projecting onto it after the fact, I feel it right then, I just didn't have the guts to write it down. The way your fingers interlace with mine as you kiss all over my body, it feels like something. A long ago feeling, maybe something I have never even felt before, I don't know. It is hard to describe with the accuracy and significance it deserves. It is other-worldly, ethereal, beyond intense, it is visceral, yet cerebral, and wholly emotional, despite my best efforts for it not to be. But those damned eyes of yours, they make me a sucker, they hypnotize me into total submission. They make me nervous and awkward and enamored all at once. Those eyes could be the most genuine thing I have ever known, or they could be the biggest con, their sole existence just to drive me wild with unrelenting desire. Those eyes pierce me to the very core, keeping me from seeing things clearly. They entrance me, making me a fool for you.

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