The really funny thing is, I don't even think Trump is some hardcore, brooding racist, no more than any other rich white man from an affluent background, anyway. He's not stockpiling munitions in a bunker or writing some militia manifesto. He's not angry at minorities for taking his job or sleeping with his wife. He is the guy at the top, the guy who calls the shots; he is the Man. He's an elitist asshole who turns his nose up at anyone with less money than him, and really turns his nose up at anyone with more money than him. He's a textbook demagogue; a second-rate Mussolini, (which is really saying something), who's willing to say any manner of outlandish bullshit to pander to his slack-jawed electorate and land free airtime. Remember he "loves the poorly educated," and with good reason! A good friend of mine said something profound the other night, "What we call progress, some people call society going to hell in a handbasket." Most of these people are still sore about the God damned Civil War! He's stirring up latent racist sentiments in the under-educated in an effort to garner votes from that demographic. But has anyone at his campaign bothered to do the math on that? There isn't enough bigoted voters outside the Republican Party to vote him through in the general election. He needs at least some of the minority vote to win the presidency, which seems unlikely since he's alienated every possible ethnicity beyond whites males. He's also alienated any possible female swing voters with his extreme misogyny, (except for the severely self-loathing and ignorant.) Even most Christian groups aren't behind him. He's really relying on his raunchy magnetism to elect himself to the presidency. Ah, the hubris of a narcissistic blowhard. He's no mastermind, he has "people" for that... He's a bored billionaire who just wanted a chunk of power to go with his bank account. He has no economic plan, he has no foreign policy experience, he has no formal education regarding the law or the Constitution. He's far from brilliant and is a universal joke to other countries. He's not even that great of a business man, filing for bankruptcy no less than four times. He'll hawk anything for a buck. He is the billionaire equivalent of a used car salesman. Yeah great plan, trying to elect another wealthy twit to the Presidency, America. That worked so well with George W. Bush.
The ironic and very best part of this whole charade is that Donald Trump wouldn't associate with the type people supporting his campaign, under any other circumstances, if you paid him. Yet, they look at him as if he's some kind of savior. Yikes. While he's living in his ivory Trump Tower, eating caviar on his morning toast, these pathetic saps are drinking Coor's Light in their trailer on the same La-Z-Boy recliner they've had since the Carter administration. Yeah, he's a real man of the people, your candidate. Try voting with your head for once, stop being seduced by fear-mongering and the emotional puppetry elicited from hot-button issues; stop voting against your own economic interests. The only people who should be voting Republican are the millionaires and billionaires, because those are the only constituents that answer to. Vote for a candidate from a party that actually wants to shrink the income gap, not grow it. Vote for a candidate that wants to lower taxes for *your* tax bracket and increase the minimum wage. Vote for a candidate that wants you to have a free education and health care, and social security.
Don't vote for a candidate because he will "shake things up in Washington and I like that." You know what else would shake things up in Washington, if we elected a nine year old kid as president. You know some winner of a patriotic essay contest or something. "Skyler Thomas for President, he's no Washington insider!" (With a backwards "r," of course.) "For my first act as president, I'm going to veto my bedtime, Mom!"
The ironic and very best part of this whole charade is that Donald Trump wouldn't associate with the type people supporting his campaign, under any other circumstances, if you paid him. Yet, they look at him as if he's some kind of savior. Yikes. While he's living in his ivory Trump Tower, eating caviar on his morning toast, these pathetic saps are drinking Coor's Light in their trailer on the same La-Z-Boy recliner they've had since the Carter administration. Yeah, he's a real man of the people, your candidate. Try voting with your head for once, stop being seduced by fear-mongering and the emotional puppetry elicited from hot-button issues; stop voting against your own economic interests. The only people who should be voting Republican are the millionaires and billionaires, because those are the only constituents that answer to. Vote for a candidate from a party that actually wants to shrink the income gap, not grow it. Vote for a candidate that wants to lower taxes for *your* tax bracket and increase the minimum wage. Vote for a candidate that wants you to have a free education and health care, and social security.
Don't vote for a candidate because he will "shake things up in Washington and I like that." You know what else would shake things up in Washington, if we elected a nine year old kid as president. You know some winner of a patriotic essay contest or something. "Skyler Thomas for President, he's no Washington insider!" (With a backwards "r," of course.) "For my first act as president, I'm going to veto my bedtime, Mom!"
Or maybe we should elect a zoo animal as president, like a llama or a penguin. That would certainly turn Washington on its ear! "That Mr. Waddles is one tough president, he stonewalled my talks on immigration reform for over two hours. He just kept casually catching fish in his beak that the Vice President would toss at him until I eventually just stormed out of the Oval Office!"
Or maybe we can dust off Nixon's cryogenically frozen head; I'm sure he could whip this country into shape! 1974's disgrace is 2016's humility.
All these options would "shake things up," but not for the fucking better. Just like if Trump were to be elected. He's a deplorable fascist. Just ask all the American citizens being forcibly thrown out of his rallies or 115 pound female press member his campaign manager manhandled. But I guess some people prefer to be ruled by an iron fist. I wonder how the WWII veterans feel about wasting their time fighting Nazis just to see home-grown fascism take root in America seventy years later.
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." Hermann Goering, interview during Nuremberg Trials, 1946.
The more I think about Donald Trump and how ridiculous he is, maybe some evil genius Democrats did mastermind this plan. To ensure another Democratic presidency whilst exposing all the backwater, mouth-breathing, misogynistic racists this country still has lurking about in an effort to round them all up, and offer them a "separate, but equal" opportunity to colonize the whitest place on earth: Antarctica! They can use all those survival skills they learned from their back issues of Soldier of Fortune magazine to create a frost-bitten utopia upon the tundra. They can unfurl all those Confederate flags they have in storage, to wave proudly in the icy wind. And maybe they can even find a few penguin presidential candidates while they're at it!
A few more various thoughts on this farce of an election:
I think I just realized what Trump's campaign music should be: the theme from Jurassic Park, as it is a great metaphor for this incredible farce. Mr. Hammond (the GOP elite) and InGen (big business) have genetically engineered this monstrous relic that was supposed have gone extinct (and stayed extinct) eons ago. But they weren't counting on the Dennis Nedry's (avarice) of the world cutting the power to the electric fencing and letting the monster out of his paddock. Trump likes to think of himself as some beastly King anyway, and now he is King of these beasts, playing off their basest fears and primitive beliefs. This metaphor works right down to his tiny Tyrannosaurus Rex hands!
A few more various thoughts on this farce of an election:
I think I just realized what Trump's campaign music should be: the theme from Jurassic Park, as it is a great metaphor for this incredible farce. Mr. Hammond (the GOP elite) and InGen (big business) have genetically engineered this monstrous relic that was supposed have gone extinct (and stayed extinct) eons ago. But they weren't counting on the Dennis Nedry's (avarice) of the world cutting the power to the electric fencing and letting the monster out of his paddock. Trump likes to think of himself as some beastly King anyway, and now he is King of these beasts, playing off their basest fears and primitive beliefs. This metaphor works right down to his tiny Tyrannosaurus Rex hands!
🎼"This is the theme to Jurassic Park, da-da dum dum dum. Donald Trump is a demagogue, da-duh dum, DUM, DUM DUM..."
level of racism and jingoism has always been around; there's nothing
new under the sun. It always lurked in the shadows around here, while it
was certainly more pronounced in other regions. But for a while, it
seemed like progress was being made, despite
the warped opinions of some ignorant fringe groups. What is truly
shocking and sad is how quickly and easily people jumped on his white
supremacist band wagon. It was like he just flipped a switch and a
mindless posse was formed. A couple of pitchforks and a few torches and
it could be a new hit show on AMC. Mob mentality at its basest. It's
like Trump gave these hayseeds a license to be racist again,
mainstreaming racism. These groups are no longer on the fringe. They are
banding together with only one thing in common: fear of people
different than them. It's incredibly childish, among many other
adjectives. I just read a great article about the rise of
Anyway, conservative, "core" Republicans certainly have created this monster, with their hot-button issue talking points as a way to pander to this sect and their 24-hour Fox News cycle, running amok, to this logical, but foreseeable conclusion. But now they can't control the beast and are kicking themselves for being so short-sighted, (but probably not for being so destructive). Hopefully, this will force a collapse of this Republican strategy and we can just casually walk by these dazed and confused folks on the march toward progress.
Anyway, conservative, "core" Republicans certainly have created this monster, with their hot-button issue talking points as a way to pander to this sect and their 24-hour Fox News cycle, running amok, to this logical, but foreseeable conclusion. But now they can't control the beast and are kicking themselves for being so short-sighted, (but probably not for being so destructive). Hopefully, this will force a collapse of this Republican strategy and we can just casually walk by these dazed and confused folks on the march toward progress.
Super Tuesday has lead us to "What the fuck have we gotten ourselves
into?" Wednesday, and I'm seeing a lot of sensible political posts, and
some downright moronic ones. In many of these posts, inevitably,
someone is comparing a candidate to Hitler. Most candidates do not fit
that bill. Not even Donald Trump. What, you say? "But the things he
says, his outrageous jingoism, his ruthless squashing of any enemy or
critic!" Don't get me wrong, I believe he belongs among the pantheon of
fascist demagogues, I just think these folks have the wrong one. He's
less of an Adolph Hitler type, and more of the Hermann Goering type.
(Honestly, referring to him as Hitler gives him far too much credit in
the category of forethought.) He's a flashy, superficial, paunchy
blowhard, obsessed with amassing wealth and baubles. He cares more
about the look of power and the spoils than the actual power itself. If
elected to the White House, I don't think his flat-footed stomping
around the Oval Office, dressed as Julius Caesar, while sipping the
classiest red wine out of a solid gold Trump trademarked chalice will be
far behind. Where Goering was a supreme narcissist, Hitler was a
supreme sociopath. I definitely thing Trump belongs in the supreme
narcissist camp.
That being said, I've seen some really disheartening posts by fellow Democrats announcing that if Sanders doesn't get the nomination, they are taking their vote and going home; not voting at all. This sore loser attitude isn't helping anyone. Not only is that incredibly immature, if it is any more than Facebook hot air, it is to the detriment of the nation. Don't you dare hand your vote over to any manner of fascist demagogue, no matter how entertaining. This Republic is not a reality show and voting is not a game. And on a personal note, I've been a Democratic Socialist long before I even knew there was a term for it, since high school. I would have loved to see Sanders in the White House, but I'm not sure how much of his agenda could have actually been turned to law. I will support Hillary Clinton for the general election, because I think she is smart, capable, experienced, and will take the job seriously. Unlike the circus act, the Republicans are running.
To that end, I've heard/read this argument several times now, by Republicans: "I can't vote for Hillary, so I have to vote Trump by default. The best we can hope for is that he drives the nation into the ground, and it sends a message to Washington that we want a change. And then we can rise like a phoenix from the ashes." Or some lame variation of that. I'm calling it the Drunken Frat Boy Rationale. Maybe it sounds good for a second to your other wasted buddies, until you sober the fuck up and realize it's maybe one of the most ridiculous notions ever uttered. Because it's in those tumultuous economic, social, and political conditions that a dictator like an Adolph Hitler, actually comes to power. Because to me, that's sounds a lot like Germany, after WWI. And we all know how great that turned out!
And Dems, at that point, we won't have to worry about measly things like institutionalized racism, pay equality for women, living wages, LGBT issues, or funding for Planned Parenthood, because we will be too busy worrying about ethnic cleansing, genocide, famine, and child soldiers. And then, and only then will we have enough motivation to enact any real change, which will just get us right back here, where we started. Content people don't start revolutions, fat people don't take up arms, and people with mortgage payments don't fight for ideals. Complacency is their greatest weapon, and it's used against us all the time.
But all in all, this about sums it up...
That being said, I've seen some really disheartening posts by fellow Democrats announcing that if Sanders doesn't get the nomination, they are taking their vote and going home; not voting at all. This sore loser attitude isn't helping anyone. Not only is that incredibly immature, if it is any more than Facebook hot air, it is to the detriment of the nation. Don't you dare hand your vote over to any manner of fascist demagogue, no matter how entertaining. This Republic is not a reality show and voting is not a game. And on a personal note, I've been a Democratic Socialist long before I even knew there was a term for it, since high school. I would have loved to see Sanders in the White House, but I'm not sure how much of his agenda could have actually been turned to law. I will support Hillary Clinton for the general election, because I think she is smart, capable, experienced, and will take the job seriously. Unlike the circus act, the Republicans are running.
To that end, I've heard/read this argument several times now, by Republicans: "I can't vote for Hillary, so I have to vote Trump by default. The best we can hope for is that he drives the nation into the ground, and it sends a message to Washington that we want a change. And then we can rise like a phoenix from the ashes." Or some lame variation of that. I'm calling it the Drunken Frat Boy Rationale. Maybe it sounds good for a second to your other wasted buddies, until you sober the fuck up and realize it's maybe one of the most ridiculous notions ever uttered. Because it's in those tumultuous economic, social, and political conditions that a dictator like an Adolph Hitler, actually comes to power. Because to me, that's sounds a lot like Germany, after WWI. And we all know how great that turned out!
And Dems, at that point, we won't have to worry about measly things like institutionalized racism, pay equality for women, living wages, LGBT issues, or funding for Planned Parenthood, because we will be too busy worrying about ethnic cleansing, genocide, famine, and child soldiers. And then, and only then will we have enough motivation to enact any real change, which will just get us right back here, where we started. Content people don't start revolutions, fat people don't take up arms, and people with mortgage payments don't fight for ideals. Complacency is their greatest weapon, and it's used against us all the time.
But all in all, this about sums it up...
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