I'm just thinking out loud here, but it seems to me that so many things come down to sex, or lack thereof. Maybe if people, especially politicians, and these fringe assholes, were getting laid a little more, they could be a little less, oh I don't know, embittered toward the entirety of humanity. They could maybe just *pause* that egomaniacal, greedy and/or violent shit-heel part of themselves. If we could just override these out-moded, repressive sexual tendencies, that the right seems to be especially fond of, perhaps we could make some headway. (Pun so fucking intended.)
So, let's be real, it's not like these bozos are any stranger to women
of the night, so why not use that to advance the greater good? We
create something of a hybrid Super PAC slash non-profit. Something with
a long convoluted named, like Americans for Economic Prosperity, or
some bullshit, but in actuality it would be more like Prostitutes for
Progress. "Doing the job that *no one* and we mean no one, wants to
Not only are these women, (or men, whatever the case may be,) pumping the ol' economic stimulus, but while they have these folks in such a vulnerable position, you know, by the dick, as it were, they could sort of coyly imbue them with little statistics or factoids; indoctrinate them with some empathy, during or post-coitus. Just try to educate them when they are at their most open. And we are creating jobs!
If people were busy knockin' boots, then perhaps, they wouldn't be out committing hate crimes or passing oppressive legislation. I guess what I'm trying to say is the people spewing the most vile vitriol look like hideous ghouls. Take gin-soaked Bannon or that Stephen Miller asshat, for example- hell Newt Gingrich; they're not exactly what you would call "lookers." (How that elephant seal Gingrich ever managed to get three separate women to sleep with him, is beyond me.) It's never the George Clooneys of the world spouting off about racial superiority or the pitfalls of third-wave feminism.
I don't know. I'm out of other ideas on how to deal with this level of aggression. It will not stand, man! But maybe our closest living relatives; the bonobos could teach us a thing or two. Or maybe this is the most insane idea I've ever had.
Looks like your boy is a chickenshit. Widdle Donny-Wonny is such a tough guy; he's going to defeat ISIS, deport millions of illegals, and bring back coal-mining! But he can't handle a few comics. "Waaaahhh! Ivanka, they're making fun of me!" And I guess it might be hard to face a room full of people you've just tweeted as America's enemy. Never mind that whole First Amendment thing.
Cannabis industry roiled by White House comments on enforcement -USA Today
Man, I really like and respect this Pope. I haven't been interested in Catholicism for many years, but I have to say, he's got a way of really spelling it out. And I enjoy his off-the-cuff style. He is logical, and smart. I hope he can counter some of this bullshit Trump's administration is setting off. Pope Francis is an actual humanitarian.
Pope suggests 'better to be atheist than hypocritical Catholic' -Reuters
In this dizzying state of eroded democracy we seem to be slithering toward, odd allies and heroes are bound to emerge.
Senator McCain to Chuck Todd, "A fundamental part of that new world order was a free press. I hate the press, I hate you especially, but the fact is we need you, we need a free press."
Unlikely bedfellows indeed...
Not only are these women, (or men, whatever the case may be,) pumping the ol' economic stimulus, but while they have these folks in such a vulnerable position, you know, by the dick, as it were, they could sort of coyly imbue them with little statistics or factoids; indoctrinate them with some empathy, during or post-coitus. Just try to educate them when they are at their most open. And we are creating jobs!
If people were busy knockin' boots, then perhaps, they wouldn't be out committing hate crimes or passing oppressive legislation. I guess what I'm trying to say is the people spewing the most vile vitriol look like hideous ghouls. Take gin-soaked Bannon or that Stephen Miller asshat, for example- hell Newt Gingrich; they're not exactly what you would call "lookers." (How that elephant seal Gingrich ever managed to get three separate women to sleep with him, is beyond me.) It's never the George Clooneys of the world spouting off about racial superiority or the pitfalls of third-wave feminism.
I don't know. I'm out of other ideas on how to deal with this level of aggression. It will not stand, man! But maybe our closest living relatives; the bonobos could teach us a thing or two. Or maybe this is the most insane idea I've ever had.
Looks like your boy is a chickenshit. Widdle Donny-Wonny is such a tough guy; he's going to defeat ISIS, deport millions of illegals, and bring back coal-mining! But he can't handle a few comics. "Waaaahhh! Ivanka, they're making fun of me!" And I guess it might be hard to face a room full of people you've just tweeted as America's enemy. Never mind that whole First Amendment thing.
But seriously
folks, I'm sure he just didn't want to follow President Obama's act.
Those are big shoes to fill. His Correspondent's Dinner speeches are
legend. That guy has a fantastic sense of humor, and some of the best,
if not *the* best, dry comedic timing I've ever heard.
I'm sure Alternative Slim will be busy golfing, anyway. Though, he should try fucking jogging.
Trump Will Be First President In 36 Years To Skip White House Correspondents' Dinner -NPR
And here you pro-birthers thought this was some deeply-held personal belief. Turns out, it was just another scheme to get you to vote against your own interests. Man! That suuucks. Your belief is rooted in segregation! Or more accurately, the anti-desegregation movement. The same rednecked, archaic assholes are leading the movement today. What a shock. Fat, white, and impotent. Freud was right, so much depends on sex. Or lack thereof. When someone isn't getting any, they go on the warpath. We've all been there. But, these unfuckable losers haven't gotten any since the Eisenhower administration, and they are bound and determined to make *every* body pay for it. History is fun.
It Wasn’t Abortion That Formed the Religious Right. It Was Support for Segregation. -Slate
So, most of you know that I really don't drink or do drugs, which I guess makes me a bit of a lame teetotaler. But even though the legalization of marijuana doesn't affect me or my lifestyle, I still have strong feelings about it. (Que suprise!) At this point, it should just be legalized nation-wide; regulated and taxed, as I don't see it being any worse than alcohol or cigarettes, which no one seems hellbent on criminalizing. (Not yet, anyway.) But at the very least, it should be left up to the states. Especially the ones that already voted to legalize it.
Remember when Republicans were for *smaller* government? This administration is only for smaller government when it allows the plutocracy and billion-dollars industries to cash in on that so-called smaller government. Deregulation of business and banking, deregulation of the EPA, deregulation of the FDA. They can cut all the taxes for the top 1%, pollute the hell out of the country/planet, allow greed to run rampant throughout corporations and banks unchecked; allowing for another recession like in 2008, reinstate the for-profit prison system, dismantle public schools in favor of the proven shitty voucher system, institute hypocritical fundamental Christian "values," build that stupid waste-of-billions wall, and deport every illegal in the country, but they certainly can't do it under the guise of smaller fucking government. They are extending the federal government's reach to new depths of depraved greed and perverse bullshit.
So why would an administration that is so obviously for capitalism at all costs, want to limit legitimate, taxable businesses? Why would they be for larger government, that supersedes states rights? (Those all-important, Civil War-starting, states rights!) And now bother American citizens with their Marijuana Gestapo? Hmmm, I wonder. The more laws this administration has on the books to intimidate, hassle, investigate, and incarcerate working class citizens, the better. That for-profit prison system line item would come in real handy too. And so would the prosecuting of American minorities for minor drug possession offenses. So would the prosecuting of American majorities, who happen to be recreational pot-smoking Democrats. It's like the fucking 1960's all over again. If you don't have a crew cut, a corporate stooge job, and a set of golf clubs, look out! You are the enemy, now. They will eventually run out of illegals to deport, and they need to set their sights on some fresh meat. Dirty, no-good hippies, with their long hair, and free-thinking will be just the ticket. This administration isn't going to be happy until we are all basically Pat Boone.
Also, this won't do SHIT for the opioid epidemic, that is taking over not only cities, but mostly rural, backwater burgs. The gateway drug into opioid addiction is prescription fucking painkillers, not weed. You know, things like fat fuck Rush Limbaugh's drug of choice: Oxycontin. So, yeah, Speecy Spicy; this is *really* going to fucking help with that. And then you can dismantle the Affordable Care Act, so your own fucking supporters strung out on heroine in WhoGivesAShitsville Kentucky can't get any fucking treatment. Thanks again, Trump voters, for making our slowly progressing nation into a third world authoritarian hellhole as fast as you can say, "Make America Great Again."
I'm sure Alternative Slim will be busy golfing, anyway. Though, he should try fucking jogging.
Trump Will Be First President In 36 Years To Skip White House Correspondents' Dinner -NPR
And here you pro-birthers thought this was some deeply-held personal belief. Turns out, it was just another scheme to get you to vote against your own interests. Man! That suuucks. Your belief is rooted in segregation! Or more accurately, the anti-desegregation movement. The same rednecked, archaic assholes are leading the movement today. What a shock. Fat, white, and impotent. Freud was right, so much depends on sex. Or lack thereof. When someone isn't getting any, they go on the warpath. We've all been there. But, these unfuckable losers haven't gotten any since the Eisenhower administration, and they are bound and determined to make *every* body pay for it. History is fun.
It Wasn’t Abortion That Formed the Religious Right. It Was Support for Segregation. -Slate
So, most of you know that I really don't drink or do drugs, which I guess makes me a bit of a lame teetotaler. But even though the legalization of marijuana doesn't affect me or my lifestyle, I still have strong feelings about it. (Que suprise!) At this point, it should just be legalized nation-wide; regulated and taxed, as I don't see it being any worse than alcohol or cigarettes, which no one seems hellbent on criminalizing. (Not yet, anyway.) But at the very least, it should be left up to the states. Especially the ones that already voted to legalize it.
Remember when Republicans were for *smaller* government? This administration is only for smaller government when it allows the plutocracy and billion-dollars industries to cash in on that so-called smaller government. Deregulation of business and banking, deregulation of the EPA, deregulation of the FDA. They can cut all the taxes for the top 1%, pollute the hell out of the country/planet, allow greed to run rampant throughout corporations and banks unchecked; allowing for another recession like in 2008, reinstate the for-profit prison system, dismantle public schools in favor of the proven shitty voucher system, institute hypocritical fundamental Christian "values," build that stupid waste-of-billions wall, and deport every illegal in the country, but they certainly can't do it under the guise of smaller fucking government. They are extending the federal government's reach to new depths of depraved greed and perverse bullshit.
So why would an administration that is so obviously for capitalism at all costs, want to limit legitimate, taxable businesses? Why would they be for larger government, that supersedes states rights? (Those all-important, Civil War-starting, states rights!) And now bother American citizens with their Marijuana Gestapo? Hmmm, I wonder. The more laws this administration has on the books to intimidate, hassle, investigate, and incarcerate working class citizens, the better. That for-profit prison system line item would come in real handy too. And so would the prosecuting of American minorities for minor drug possession offenses. So would the prosecuting of American majorities, who happen to be recreational pot-smoking Democrats. It's like the fucking 1960's all over again. If you don't have a crew cut, a corporate stooge job, and a set of golf clubs, look out! You are the enemy, now. They will eventually run out of illegals to deport, and they need to set their sights on some fresh meat. Dirty, no-good hippies, with their long hair, and free-thinking will be just the ticket. This administration isn't going to be happy until we are all basically Pat Boone.
Also, this won't do SHIT for the opioid epidemic, that is taking over not only cities, but mostly rural, backwater burgs. The gateway drug into opioid addiction is prescription fucking painkillers, not weed. You know, things like fat fuck Rush Limbaugh's drug of choice: Oxycontin. So, yeah, Speecy Spicy; this is *really* going to fucking help with that. And then you can dismantle the Affordable Care Act, so your own fucking supporters strung out on heroine in WhoGivesAShitsville Kentucky can't get any fucking treatment. Thanks again, Trump voters, for making our slowly progressing nation into a third world authoritarian hellhole as fast as you can say, "Make America Great Again."
Cannabis industry roiled by White House comments on enforcement -USA Today
Man, I really like and respect this Pope. I haven't been interested in Catholicism for many years, but I have to say, he's got a way of really spelling it out. And I enjoy his off-the-cuff style. He is logical, and smart. I hope he can counter some of this bullshit Trump's administration is setting off. Pope Francis is an actual humanitarian.
Pope suggests 'better to be atheist than hypocritical Catholic' -Reuters
In this dizzying state of eroded democracy we seem to be slithering toward, odd allies and heroes are bound to emerge.
Senator McCain to Chuck Todd, "A fundamental part of that new world order was a free press. I hate the press, I hate you especially, but the fact is we need you, we need a free press."
Unlikely bedfellows indeed...
McCain on shutting down press: That's how dictators get started -The Hill
Another surprising example of odd allies coming forward.
Chris Wallace Grills Priebus on Trump’s ‘Enemy’ Tweet: ‘You Don’t Get to Tell Us What to Do’ -Mediaite from Fox News
So really enjoyed this 70 degree weather, today. Totally devoid of any climate change elements. Climate-change deniers are sooo right. It's always been this warm. In February. In Michigan. We've always had more rain than snow. Never had permafrost winters. With huge piles of snow that didn't melt until May. It's so weird that George Soros would implant false weather memories in us liberals' brains. How low will they stoop? I mean, really. It's getting absurd. All these fake scientists making up fake facts, broadcast by the fake news media. And fake NASA. Everyone knows that anecdotal evidence is all we need to form 'real American' opinions. And the anecdotal evidence suggests it's fucking warmer than before. Therefore, it must have always been. The burning of fossil fuels don't even emit carbon. It's a known alternative fact. They emit rainbows and pure testosterone! Typical liberal media bias, never reporting on the testosterone-emitting benefits of fossil fuels. So WRONG! I'm like a really smart person, okay. And my rantings will NOT be questioned. Above reproach, okay. Bigly.
A response from a climate change denier named Randy: I knew someone would bring this up so I looked up the record for yesterday. It was 62 in 1976. So please explain why it is no warmer than 1976.
My rebuttal: Um, Randy, that was my point exactly. Climate-change deniers, among all kinds of other science-denying groups, like to use anecdotal evidence to try to reassure themselves, or sway public opinion that what peer-reviewed science says isn't true, but their uninformed opinion, that lacks experience or education, is not only equally valid, but superior. It would be laughable if it wasn't so terrifying. So, I decided, to use that same tactic, against them, in a satirical, midnight ramble. It was my smart-ass response to things like snowballs on the Congressional floor as proof that climate change is not taking place.
Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) Snowball in the Senate (C-SPAN)
Further evidence:
Further, you should read this meta-study on the cumulative effects of carbon emissions and the burning of fossil fuels. It is not light reading, but it is informative, and unequivocal. There are also plenty of charts and graphs, that illustrate the point. It is also the definitive study cited by governments worldwide as their main call-to-action. The man-made rise in fossil fuel usage since the industrial revolution is responsible for the overall warming of the earth, degree by degree, year after year. Though climate changes are a natural process, they are being sped up, significantly, by the sheer amount of carbon emissions.
Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report
Climatologists, biologists, ecologists; they don't really have a motive to lie about climate change. We all know they didn't go into the deep sciences for fame and glory. Scientists aren't household names. But we do have hugely powerful, multi-billion-dollar fossil fuel companies, entire industries, centered around the burning of these fossil fuels with a direct and substantial profit motive.
Why would anyone lie about climate change? I could think of a trillion-dollar reason.
Also, here is what those do-gooder morons over at NASA have to say. Bunch of NASsholes, really.
NASA Climate Change Facts
Even Fox News is calling you out, there Donny! This is at least the second time Shep Smith called out Trumpy on Russia, on air. The first was after it was established that the Russians unequivocally tampered with our election, and Trump was still denying it (he eventually acquiesced, after much waffling). Man, maybe the word 'hero' is too much, but strange allies are starting to emerge. Megyn Kelly, now Shep Smith. Maybe they are getting mighty tired of their life's work being called "fake news" by a guy that single-handedly keeps self-tanner companies in business.
Shepard Smith Calls President Trump’s Press Conference ‘Crazy’ -Yahoo from Fox News
Why would a "hard-charging patriot" turn down the job of National Security Advisor? Think about that, for a while. People are giving Agent Orange, a *wiiiiide* berth.
Robert Harward turns down Trump's offer to be national security adviser -The Guardian
Another domino in the Trump administration falls. Wage-miser and super creep Andrew Puzder is out! This is truly stranger than fiction.
Andrew Puzder Withdraws From Consideration as Labor Secretary -The New York Times
That sure didn't take long... General Flynn is the first casualty in the bumbling Trump administration. Do you really think Trump didn't give him the okay on talking about lifting the sanctions??? Come the fuck on. Flynn was forced to resign, by Steve Bannon, no less! Yikes! This whole bunch gives me the creeps.
They don't have any cohesion,
even among themselves. This is why cutthroat, egomaniacal businessman
make shitty world leaders. There is no greater sense of duty or morality
that exists inside of them. Any shred of that would have been
conditioned out, long ago, in the unadulterated capitalistic
thunder-dome they so sought to rule.
Flynn's Calls With Russia's Ambassador: Who Knew What, and When? -The Atlantic
So, how does everyone feel about this? A president at odds with his intelligence agencies: good or bad thing, folks? These are people much smarter than you or I. People at the highest reaches of the global game. People with much more experience; who have made careers out of reading, observing, and analyzing people. And their assessment of Trump isn't a favorable one. So much so that they are withholding information for fear of it being compromised, or leaked for use *against* the United States. Maybe, just maybe, this is why we shouldn't have a volatile, immature madman at the helm.
The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins -Observer
To anyone who is Christian, and yet, still voted for Trump; you should read this. This makes all the points without any acerbic digs or sarcasm, as so often pepper my tirades. I cannot hide my disdain and distaste for religious hypocrisy, for it's the most egregious form of blasphemy. And further, I feel it would be disingenuous of me to do so, as my passion runneth over. But this article brooches the subject with sensitivity and care, yet a firm hand.
Dear White, Christian Trump Supporters: We Need To Talk -The Huffington Post
For all those morons who kept screaming 'Benghazi' as some sort of rallying cry against Hillary Clinton, how do you assholes feel about Yemen? How about the pro-lifers (pro-birthers, really), how do you feel about the children killed in this raid. Yay or nay? Is it okay because they're non-white, and non-American? Or is that just the cost of doing business?
Clinton was somehow responsible for a terrorist attack on an American embassy in a veritable war zone, while she was Secretary of State, so tell me how Trump isn't responsible for the botched raid in Yemen that he ordered? Over dinner, with little intelligence other than Obama didn't want to do it, (because he didn't have enough intel on it to move forward.) Where they did NOT capture their target, killed a bunch of civilians and a Navy Seal, and fucked up relations with the Yemeni government to the point where they withdrew permission for antiterrorist ground missions.
Why Is the White House Calling Its Yemen Raid a Success? -The Atlantic
Flynn's Calls With Russia's Ambassador: Who Knew What, and When? -The Atlantic
So, how does everyone feel about this? A president at odds with his intelligence agencies: good or bad thing, folks? These are people much smarter than you or I. People at the highest reaches of the global game. People with much more experience; who have made careers out of reading, observing, and analyzing people. And their assessment of Trump isn't a favorable one. So much so that they are withholding information for fear of it being compromised, or leaked for use *against* the United States. Maybe, just maybe, this is why we shouldn't have a volatile, immature madman at the helm.
The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins -Observer
To anyone who is Christian, and yet, still voted for Trump; you should read this. This makes all the points without any acerbic digs or sarcasm, as so often pepper my tirades. I cannot hide my disdain and distaste for religious hypocrisy, for it's the most egregious form of blasphemy. And further, I feel it would be disingenuous of me to do so, as my passion runneth over. But this article brooches the subject with sensitivity and care, yet a firm hand.
Dear White, Christian Trump Supporters: We Need To Talk -The Huffington Post
For all those morons who kept screaming 'Benghazi' as some sort of rallying cry against Hillary Clinton, how do you assholes feel about Yemen? How about the pro-lifers (pro-birthers, really), how do you feel about the children killed in this raid. Yay or nay? Is it okay because they're non-white, and non-American? Or is that just the cost of doing business?
Clinton was somehow responsible for a terrorist attack on an American embassy in a veritable war zone, while she was Secretary of State, so tell me how Trump isn't responsible for the botched raid in Yemen that he ordered? Over dinner, with little intelligence other than Obama didn't want to do it, (because he didn't have enough intel on it to move forward.) Where they did NOT capture their target, killed a bunch of civilians and a Navy Seal, and fucked up relations with the Yemeni government to the point where they withdrew permission for antiterrorist ground missions.
Spicer is calling for apologies from anyone calling the raid anything
but a sweeping success, including Senator John McCain, though by all
accounts, it was an unmitigated disaster. Oh, no, but that's not a
failure. It's an ALTERNATIVE SUCCESS!!!
Why Is the White House Calling Its Yemen Raid a Success? -The Atlantic
This shit happens to me all the time. Go figure...
Even from those that seem "well-intentioned." And women do it to other women too. Because they've been castigated and subjugated; they think because they didn't stand up, no woman should. Fuuuck that. They need to get a backbone and some God damned self-respect.
Though, I don't second guess myself, as this article suggests, which is what the men who engage in this bullshit are after. I double the fuck down, because I know their petty, insecure game. Sorry wieners, but intelligence isn't gender biased. It's arbitrary as fuck. So that really punches some holes in the ol' male supremacy theory.
Elizabeth Warren Was Told to Be Quiet. Women Can Relate. -The New York Times
Bernie calling out Trump for the lying charlatan that he is. We fucking tried to tell you. A guy that spent 70 years of his life fucking over the little guy wasn't going to just magically change his nefarious ways to start working for the middle class, when given ultimate power. What the fuck made any of you think that???? Are you all smoking crystal meth?
After Trump moves to undo financial regulations, Sanders calls him ‘a fraud’ -The Washington Post
Holy shit! It's like they think we are all fucking morons!!! "Those peons will never put the pieces of the puzzle together! And even if they do, we'll have undermined and obliterated the truth enough for it not to matter...Muahahaha!"
eff Sessions grills Sally Yates on saying no to the president when she was Obama’s nominee -Raw Story
Even from those that seem "well-intentioned." And women do it to other women too. Because they've been castigated and subjugated; they think because they didn't stand up, no woman should. Fuuuck that. They need to get a backbone and some God damned self-respect.
Though, I don't second guess myself, as this article suggests, which is what the men who engage in this bullshit are after. I double the fuck down, because I know their petty, insecure game. Sorry wieners, but intelligence isn't gender biased. It's arbitrary as fuck. So that really punches some holes in the ol' male supremacy theory.
Elizabeth Warren Was Told to Be Quiet. Women Can Relate. -The New York Times
Bernie calling out Trump for the lying charlatan that he is. We fucking tried to tell you. A guy that spent 70 years of his life fucking over the little guy wasn't going to just magically change his nefarious ways to start working for the middle class, when given ultimate power. What the fuck made any of you think that???? Are you all smoking crystal meth?
After Trump moves to undo financial regulations, Sanders calls him ‘a fraud’ -The Washington Post
Holy shit! It's like they think we are all fucking morons!!! "Those peons will never put the pieces of the puzzle together! And even if they do, we'll have undermined and obliterated the truth enough for it not to matter...Muahahaha!"
eff Sessions grills Sally Yates on saying no to the president when she was Obama’s nominee -Raw Story
think all those geniuses who said we were overreacting when, we on the
left, compared Trump's campaign to the Third Reich, can officially go
fuck themselves now. You've got white supremacist, cargo short-wearing
fat-fuck, Renaissance peasant Steve Bannon drafting executive orders.
And he's now on the National Security Council! A group of white,
small-dicked douche bags signing away women's rights in the Oval Office.
(I'd prefer Slick Willy getting his sucked in the Oval Office to this,
quite frankly.) We've got a ban on Muslims, but only from countries
Trump *doesn't* have business dealings with. We're turning away humans
in need, like good hypocrites...ahem, I mean Christians.
And the president is already ignoring orders from the courts, for stays on many of the Muslims caught in limbo, due to Constitutionality concerns. Fuck that old yellow piece of paper, right?! I mean these people already pick and choose from their Bible, so why not the Constitution too. Nothing is sacred when you're a fascist dictator or his stupefied constituents.
So, what do Bernie Sanders, the Pope, and Dick Cheney all have in common? And no, this is not the set-up for a dirty joke... Give up? They all think the Muslim ban is a terrible idea! For not only humanitarian reasons, but for national security reasons too. Banning Muslims, especially from cherry-picked countries, while excluding countries that actually harbored Al Qaeda, just creates more reasons for ordinary folks to radicalize and it gives momentum and fodder to the terrorist factions to recruit more minions. It also doesn't do anything about any of the home-grown radical fundamentalists (including and especially the Christian dominionists.)
We've got the world's dumbest wall going up. $15-25 BILLION dollars worth. That Mexico unequivocally said they are NOT going to pay for. We get to foot the bill for a stupid wall, of which there are already walls, fencing, and patrols up around much the border. Why is the wall stupid you ask? Because tunnels, (like all those ones drugs are smuggled through), airplanes and boats exist. That's why. And if "bad hombres" really wanted to get into this country so bad to wreak havoc, they would find a fucking way. Like go through Canada or fly in from Europe. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. (Just like those 2nd Amendment bozos always say: why bother with gun laws because the bad guys will just get them illegally, anyway. Funny though, I bet the Venn Diagram on that would have a whole bunch of overlap.)
We've got a president and his band of fascists Brownshirts waging war on legitimate new sources (which is rich considering Bannon previously ran FrightFart news) in an effort to undermine the truth, and hide their dirty double-dealings through "alternative facts" aka LIES and PROPAGANDA. They are charging journalists with felonies just for covering protests. And trying to silence any and all even quasi-scientific, government agencies. While our fuhrer, I mean, president can't keep his tiny, orange hands from sending out petty and trivial tweets about his perceived enemies like Alec Baldwin, union leaders that called him out, or Congressman and civil rights hero, John Lewis.
It's obvious Agent Orange is in-league with Putin. Not only through corrupt business dealings, but through blackmail kompromat too. And the ex-KGB agent that was suspected of helping MI-6 agent Christopher Steele compile that dossier on Trump was just found murdered in the back of his car, in Moscow. So there's that. Not to mention Trump has already threatened to militarize Chicago. What fun! How did democracy ever exist without this guy?!
Cheeto-Mussolini and his billionaire cronies want to pretend climate change isn't real so they can keep right on polluting the planet for obscene profits, at the expense of us all. They don't want to invest in or develop clean energy sources because than the fossil fuel companies won't be top dog any longer, and they won't be able to pay for that fifth vacation home, private jet, or yacht. Good old-fashioned greed is the only motive for denying the research of 98% of scientists on this planet (who really don't have a fucking motive to lie!)
And then we have the domino effects of all this tyrannical bullshit. Republican wing-nuts in Texas are trying to pass a law making abortion a felony, which would mean any woman who gets one then loses her right to vote. How's that for disenfranchisement and totalitarianism!
They want women to breed like cattle. They aren't pro-life; they are pro-livestock. And further, no one cares about these kids or mothers once the babies are born. They are trying like hell to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and cut and/or privatize Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, CHIP, funding for the arts, public schools, and WIC and food stamp programs. Because fuck those screaming infants! Fuck those hungry children. Wah, wah, wah! Quit complaining! Get a job, you free-loading ankle-biters, like the kids in the sweatshops overseas, producing Trump merchandise! We only care about fetuses and zygotes. They don't have money for these programs, but they sure have $25 billion just lying around for that wall!
This is blasphemy of the worst fucking kind. Self-righteous hypocrisy. This isn't what Jesus would do. This is some warped Ayn Rand bullshit. Think about that next time you are on your knees to pray.
This is what fascism looks like, folks. Using fear tactics, propaganda, and scapegoating minority groups to control and manipulate you into handing over the power to them, where they take it and run. They overreach, they rape and pillage, they punish dissenters, and they eliminate any and all perceived enemies. The checks and balances in our democracy can only stretch so far.
The only bantam solace I can glean from this is, that no longer can the red states claim that they are the "real Americans." No longer can they shout that they are the true patriots, for they are the ones that allowed our democracy to crumble. They are the ones that hand-delivered our Democracy to a bunch of fascists. So a special fuck you to all those that contributed to this test of our great Republic. I sincerely hope we don't lose our democracy and all the progress that so many have worked and toiled for. That so many have given their lives for. Especially over a corrupt, spray-tanned, whiny megalomaniac in a bad toupee. You knew he was like this, but you voted for him anyway. You were warned about this countless times. I know I posted article after article about this very subject. You didn't care, you thought you knew better. You thought you didn't have to listen to any lefty, academic, liberal snowflakes. You were sick of Obama and his successful blackness, and you sure as hell weren't going to let a woman tell you what to do for four years! That's a fascist's- I mean a white man's job! So a big thanks to all those *real Americans* who installed a fascist, erratic, and overly-sensitive dictator into the White House. Make the White House white again!
Next time a Trump supporter is perplexed as to why someone might think they are racist, show them David Duke's tweet. Never forget you are now on the same team as the Klan and those alt-right Neo-Nazis douche bros, like Richard Spencer, the "hail trump" shithead. You're all celebrating and taking ownership of the same guy. Think of all the new friends you'll make!
David Duke: We did it -The Hill
Also, here is Hitler Youth Haircut getting punched, by some masked vigilante, and then running away, like a grabbed-pussy.
The World Deserves A Space On The Web Devoted To Nothing But Richard Spencer Getting Punched In The Face -Modern Liberals
It's just locker room banter, folks! It's just words; they don't even matter! So, using that logic, you can't even get pissed at the shit I write. Haha!
"He allegedly replied: "I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct," according to the warrant... As she walked by, he allegedly pinched her in the groin area, according to the warrant. She threatened to punch him if he ever did that again, the warrant said. She said he "looked back with a really evil look in his eyes and said, 'it would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you,'" according to the warrant."
But wait... It's not just words, it's words and pussy grabs, and groin pinches, and forcible tongue-kissing, and tit fondles, and full-on rapes of 13 year olds. (See Jeffrey Epstein cases.) Because if words can't or don't incite actions, then what is the point of speech, or any type of written or verbal communication? When you question your husband on why he didn't take out the garbage like you asked, will you willingly accept the answer, "I didn't take it out because words don't matter, remember?" And we can take it a few steps further than household chores. If you found a series of racy sexts between your wife and another man, would you not be at all mad because, you know, words don't matter? If words don't matter, then the Constitution doesn't matter, nor the Bill the Rights. If words don't matter then I guess the Second Amendment doesn't matter. If words don't matter, then why does President-Elect Tiny Hands take to Twitter to try and excoriate his perceived enemies? I mean saying words don't matter is like taking a hot, steamy pee on one of the few reasons that man is at the top of the food chain; that is, extensive language. Being able to verbally communicate beyond a series of grunts and chest thumps are what led to the building of civilizations, as flawed as they may be. You want to separate yourselves so desperately from your evolutionary Simian relatives, yet you would now like to do so without recognizing one of man's crowning differences. It must take a whole lot of cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics to work that shit out in your heads.
Also, I totally realized who Donny reminds me of: Richard Dawson! But without the English refinement, subtle charm, nor the dry wit.
Cops: Greenwich Republican Insulted Town Worker, Then Pinched Her Groin
Maybe Agent Orange can get DJ Assault to play the Inauguration. DJ *Sexual* Assault. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu2OYcgr4rM
Laughing at Donny's Russian hotel piss parties is all we have left. He is an openly hostile, fraudulent conman. And now he is "leading" the free world. Are we really this racist and sexist that we let this C-list celebrity buffoon be elected to the highest office in the land? Or are we just that gullible? Even if you voted for this guy because you bought into his BS narrative on jobs, corruption, blah-blah-blah, you couldn't possibly be happy with his performance thus far. The last Republican administration fucked over the economy, so let's do it again, with even shittier players. Donny is a lying, greedy, weasel-y pervert. And he is perverting our hard-earned American freedoms. His global business conflicts of interest, his Russian ties and sympathies (which may turn out to based on blackmail, on top of monetary reasons), his sexual assault allegations, and his boorish behavior should have made him a laughingstock. Instead it made him our President. A dangerous, thin-skinned, whiny, vindictive poor excuse for a President. Certainly not our finest. Definitely no where near great. At this point, I miss Dub-ya.
Donald Trump press conference: Folders 'containing his business plan' appear to be blank -Independent
And the president is already ignoring orders from the courts, for stays on many of the Muslims caught in limbo, due to Constitutionality concerns. Fuck that old yellow piece of paper, right?! I mean these people already pick and choose from their Bible, so why not the Constitution too. Nothing is sacred when you're a fascist dictator or his stupefied constituents.
So, what do Bernie Sanders, the Pope, and Dick Cheney all have in common? And no, this is not the set-up for a dirty joke... Give up? They all think the Muslim ban is a terrible idea! For not only humanitarian reasons, but for national security reasons too. Banning Muslims, especially from cherry-picked countries, while excluding countries that actually harbored Al Qaeda, just creates more reasons for ordinary folks to radicalize and it gives momentum and fodder to the terrorist factions to recruit more minions. It also doesn't do anything about any of the home-grown radical fundamentalists (including and especially the Christian dominionists.)
We've got the world's dumbest wall going up. $15-25 BILLION dollars worth. That Mexico unequivocally said they are NOT going to pay for. We get to foot the bill for a stupid wall, of which there are already walls, fencing, and patrols up around much the border. Why is the wall stupid you ask? Because tunnels, (like all those ones drugs are smuggled through), airplanes and boats exist. That's why. And if "bad hombres" really wanted to get into this country so bad to wreak havoc, they would find a fucking way. Like go through Canada or fly in from Europe. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. (Just like those 2nd Amendment bozos always say: why bother with gun laws because the bad guys will just get them illegally, anyway. Funny though, I bet the Venn Diagram on that would have a whole bunch of overlap.)
We've got a president and his band of fascists Brownshirts waging war on legitimate new sources (which is rich considering Bannon previously ran FrightFart news) in an effort to undermine the truth, and hide their dirty double-dealings through "alternative facts" aka LIES and PROPAGANDA. They are charging journalists with felonies just for covering protests. And trying to silence any and all even quasi-scientific, government agencies. While our fuhrer, I mean, president can't keep his tiny, orange hands from sending out petty and trivial tweets about his perceived enemies like Alec Baldwin, union leaders that called him out, or Congressman and civil rights hero, John Lewis.
It's obvious Agent Orange is in-league with Putin. Not only through corrupt business dealings, but through blackmail kompromat too. And the ex-KGB agent that was suspected of helping MI-6 agent Christopher Steele compile that dossier on Trump was just found murdered in the back of his car, in Moscow. So there's that. Not to mention Trump has already threatened to militarize Chicago. What fun! How did democracy ever exist without this guy?!
Cheeto-Mussolini and his billionaire cronies want to pretend climate change isn't real so they can keep right on polluting the planet for obscene profits, at the expense of us all. They don't want to invest in or develop clean energy sources because than the fossil fuel companies won't be top dog any longer, and they won't be able to pay for that fifth vacation home, private jet, or yacht. Good old-fashioned greed is the only motive for denying the research of 98% of scientists on this planet (who really don't have a fucking motive to lie!)
And then we have the domino effects of all this tyrannical bullshit. Republican wing-nuts in Texas are trying to pass a law making abortion a felony, which would mean any woman who gets one then loses her right to vote. How's that for disenfranchisement and totalitarianism!
They want women to breed like cattle. They aren't pro-life; they are pro-livestock. And further, no one cares about these kids or mothers once the babies are born. They are trying like hell to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and cut and/or privatize Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, CHIP, funding for the arts, public schools, and WIC and food stamp programs. Because fuck those screaming infants! Fuck those hungry children. Wah, wah, wah! Quit complaining! Get a job, you free-loading ankle-biters, like the kids in the sweatshops overseas, producing Trump merchandise! We only care about fetuses and zygotes. They don't have money for these programs, but they sure have $25 billion just lying around for that wall!
This is blasphemy of the worst fucking kind. Self-righteous hypocrisy. This isn't what Jesus would do. This is some warped Ayn Rand bullshit. Think about that next time you are on your knees to pray.
This is what fascism looks like, folks. Using fear tactics, propaganda, and scapegoating minority groups to control and manipulate you into handing over the power to them, where they take it and run. They overreach, they rape and pillage, they punish dissenters, and they eliminate any and all perceived enemies. The checks and balances in our democracy can only stretch so far.
The only bantam solace I can glean from this is, that no longer can the red states claim that they are the "real Americans." No longer can they shout that they are the true patriots, for they are the ones that allowed our democracy to crumble. They are the ones that hand-delivered our Democracy to a bunch of fascists. So a special fuck you to all those that contributed to this test of our great Republic. I sincerely hope we don't lose our democracy and all the progress that so many have worked and toiled for. That so many have given their lives for. Especially over a corrupt, spray-tanned, whiny megalomaniac in a bad toupee. You knew he was like this, but you voted for him anyway. You were warned about this countless times. I know I posted article after article about this very subject. You didn't care, you thought you knew better. You thought you didn't have to listen to any lefty, academic, liberal snowflakes. You were sick of Obama and his successful blackness, and you sure as hell weren't going to let a woman tell you what to do for four years! That's a fascist's- I mean a white man's job! So a big thanks to all those *real Americans* who installed a fascist, erratic, and overly-sensitive dictator into the White House. Make the White House white again!
Next time a Trump supporter is perplexed as to why someone might think they are racist, show them David Duke's tweet. Never forget you are now on the same team as the Klan and those alt-right Neo-Nazis douche bros, like Richard Spencer, the "hail trump" shithead. You're all celebrating and taking ownership of the same guy. Think of all the new friends you'll make!
David Duke: We did it -The Hill
Also, here is Hitler Youth Haircut getting punched, by some masked vigilante, and then running away, like a grabbed-pussy.
The World Deserves A Space On The Web Devoted To Nothing But Richard Spencer Getting Punched In The Face -Modern Liberals
It's just locker room banter, folks! It's just words; they don't even matter! So, using that logic, you can't even get pissed at the shit I write. Haha!
"He allegedly replied: "I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct," according to the warrant... As she walked by, he allegedly pinched her in the groin area, according to the warrant. She threatened to punch him if he ever did that again, the warrant said. She said he "looked back with a really evil look in his eyes and said, 'it would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you,'" according to the warrant."
But wait... It's not just words, it's words and pussy grabs, and groin pinches, and forcible tongue-kissing, and tit fondles, and full-on rapes of 13 year olds. (See Jeffrey Epstein cases.) Because if words can't or don't incite actions, then what is the point of speech, or any type of written or verbal communication? When you question your husband on why he didn't take out the garbage like you asked, will you willingly accept the answer, "I didn't take it out because words don't matter, remember?" And we can take it a few steps further than household chores. If you found a series of racy sexts between your wife and another man, would you not be at all mad because, you know, words don't matter? If words don't matter, then the Constitution doesn't matter, nor the Bill the Rights. If words don't matter then I guess the Second Amendment doesn't matter. If words don't matter, then why does President-Elect Tiny Hands take to Twitter to try and excoriate his perceived enemies? I mean saying words don't matter is like taking a hot, steamy pee on one of the few reasons that man is at the top of the food chain; that is, extensive language. Being able to verbally communicate beyond a series of grunts and chest thumps are what led to the building of civilizations, as flawed as they may be. You want to separate yourselves so desperately from your evolutionary Simian relatives, yet you would now like to do so without recognizing one of man's crowning differences. It must take a whole lot of cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics to work that shit out in your heads.
Also, I totally realized who Donny reminds me of: Richard Dawson! But without the English refinement, subtle charm, nor the dry wit.
Cops: Greenwich Republican Insulted Town Worker, Then Pinched Her Groin
Maybe Agent Orange can get DJ Assault to play the Inauguration. DJ *Sexual* Assault. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu2OYcgr4rM
Laughing at Donny's Russian hotel piss parties is all we have left. He is an openly hostile, fraudulent conman. And now he is "leading" the free world. Are we really this racist and sexist that we let this C-list celebrity buffoon be elected to the highest office in the land? Or are we just that gullible? Even if you voted for this guy because you bought into his BS narrative on jobs, corruption, blah-blah-blah, you couldn't possibly be happy with his performance thus far. The last Republican administration fucked over the economy, so let's do it again, with even shittier players. Donny is a lying, greedy, weasel-y pervert. And he is perverting our hard-earned American freedoms. His global business conflicts of interest, his Russian ties and sympathies (which may turn out to based on blackmail, on top of monetary reasons), his sexual assault allegations, and his boorish behavior should have made him a laughingstock. Instead it made him our President. A dangerous, thin-skinned, whiny, vindictive poor excuse for a President. Certainly not our finest. Definitely no where near great. At this point, I miss Dub-ya.
Donald Trump press conference: Folders 'containing his business plan' appear to be blank -Independent