She winces just a little as the semen lands in thick streaks across her distorted face. Its briny stench and searing heat freeze in her grotesque contortions, momentarily. Her burly, largish nose heaves and gulps air as her too-widely-set-apart eyes snap closed. She has been branded by yet another foul-smelling nobody. Not beautiful by any means, leathery and older-looking than her years, she needs to do anything she can to keep a man interested. Blowing guys while they record it POV-style, with their iPhone, seems to fulfill, however briefly, a need in her, for validation, for applause, for something human, something remotely interesting in an otherwise dull existence. Her used up body and insipid sex is all she can offer to the world at this point; pedestrian and unremarkable. She sucks and fucks just to feel the warmth of a man for those few minutes, to feel like she belongs, even if it is in the sewer. The finished masterpieces have the sexual appeal of a Nazi propaganda film, but with none of Goebbels' production value. As the unimaginative, feckless men shoot their vile loads on the caricature of a gargoyle that passes for her face, they are already plotting their exit. They have wrestled on their skinny jeans and made for the door before she can even unglue their rancid seed from her eyes. By the time she forces her glassy, piscine orbs open, they will have already left. She will be alone again, to wade in pile of rapidly cooling sperm.
She wasn't always so monstrous. Like many other Midwestern girls, what she lacked in talent she made up for in delusion. But when life didn't fulfill the fairytale she was promised, she soon grew jaded and increasingly desperate for approval and celebrity. Once the demons of envy, vanity, and lust took over, her exterior began to steadily match her interior. Just a few sagging fuck holes was all she had left to realize her fleeting dream. So, she'll clean herself up the best she can tonight; running a near-toothless comb through her hair, trying to scrub the smell of stale cum out of her skin, and shakily applying a raunchy shade of vermilion lipstick to her dry and creased lips, so she can stumble her way to the nearest bar to play out this repugnant farce once again.